Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2019-2020
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-ANANTNAG,Block:-Verinag
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
BATAGUNDA 31,75,956.68 0.00
BATAGUNDB 20,59,620.39 0.00
BATAGUNDC 16,34,657.23 0.00
CHOHAN 11,13,316.00 0.00
GAWAS 16,39,473.52 0.00
HALSIDARA 10,10,000.00 0.00
HALSIDARB 24,69,219.00 0.00
HERGAWAS 8,26,859.51 4,55,534.00
KAPRANA 36,61,941.75 0.00
KAPRANB 18,64,596.00 0.00
NOWGAMA 21,38,392.10 0.00
NOWGAMB 16,62,000.00 0.00
OMOHA 18,78,000.00 0.00
OMOHB 15,48,131.63 0.00
QAMMERA 18,06,677.37 0.00
QAMMERB 14,22,918.94 0.00
RAINCHOWGUNDA 24,48,999.35 0.00
RAINCHOWGUNDB 17,67,098.74 0.00
THAMANKOOT 26,77,765.00 0.00
Total 3,68,05,623.21 4,55,534.00
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