Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2019-2020
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-KISHTWAR,Block:-Thakraie
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Anjol 17,44,095.63 6,51,164.00
Dharbadan 21,93,126.70 0.00
Filler-A 21,70,216.02 0.00
Filler-B 18,33,079.03 0.00
Keshwan-A 22,39,287.65 19,51,603.00
Keshwan-B 27,57,676.00 0.00
Pakalan 10,55,621.39 1,08,000.00
Saranwan 21,72,725.10 0.00
Total 1,61,65,827.52 27,10,767.00
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