eGramSwaraj (Accounting) |
Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement Financial Year:-2020-2021 State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-POONCH,Block:-Mankote |
Village Panchayat & Equivalent | Receipts | Payments |
Balnoi | 59,41,818.77 | 19,56,653.00 |
ChajjlaJamalShah | 16,46,000.00 | 15,81,925.00 |
ChhajalaLower | 32,42,449.26 | 17,23,475.00 |
ChhajalaUpper | 56,73,604.39 | 27,12,197.00 |
Dabraj | 14,68,265.57 | 12,00,047.00 |
GhaniDharati | 12,02,468.76 | 8,99,070.00 |
GhaniLower | 11,91,859.40 | 6,24,945.00 |
KasblariLower | 37,91,176.13 | 27,74,257.00 |
KasblariUpper | 27,98,819.21 | 22,73,598.00 |
MagyadKeni | 18,15,951.00 | 17,69,095.00 |
MankoteLower | 51,87,218.75 | 21,09,368.00 |
MankoteUpper | 31,01,578.55 | 26,52,626.00 |
Sagra | 9,67,567.79 | 5,40,502.00 |
Salani | 41,63,708.96 | 15,06,360.00 |
TopaThera | 46,61,843.88 | 12,44,266.00 |
UchhadLower | 17,12,962.22 | 16,59,530.00 |
UchhadUpper | 13,10,702.00 | 12,81,384.00 |
Total | 4,98,77,994.64 | 2,85,09,298.00 |
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Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Monday, July 18, 2022 3:58 AM |
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