eGramSwaraj (Accounting) |
Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement Financial Year:-2020-2021 State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-PULWAMA,Block:-Awantipora |
Village Panchayat & Equivalent | Receipts | Payments |
Barsoo | 90,66,000.00 | 40,95,707.00 |
Chersoo-I | 21,90,000.00 | 12,73,038.00 |
Chersoo-II | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Dogripora | 51,50,752.00 | 16,99,839.00 |
Gooripora | 55,04,000.00 | 16,99,891.00 |
Hariparigam-II | 24,00,000.00 | 5,57,544.00 |
Harri-I | 22,00,000.00 | 2,15,336.00 |
KachachKoot | 32,96,000.00 | 8,20,530.00 |
Larkipora | 41,85,625.00 | 14,72,174.00 |
Lethpora-Abaginishat | 42,98,526.00 | 11,59,166.00 |
Lethpora-BReshiIsmail | 43,99,856.00 | 14,41,945.00 |
Malangpora | 88,27,868.00 | 27,90,707.00 |
Padgampora | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Panzgam | 1,16,13,701.00 | 18,37,784.00 |
Rajpora | 85,55,620.00 | 28,90,663.00 |
Reshipora | 54,88,000.00 | 21,71,420.00 |
ToknaI(Gullzar) | 1,59,45,790.00 | 13,37,249.00 |
ToknaII(Beg) | 34,88,046.00 | 30,16,184.00 |
ToknaIII | 15,74,907.00 | 12,91,521.00 |
Total | 9,81,84,691.00 | 2,97,70,698.00 |
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Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Monday, July 18, 2022 3:58 AM |
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