Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2020-2021
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-UDHAMPUR,Block:-Tikri
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Dhanoo 40,27,673.95 5,99,189.00
Jadsarkote 23,64,233.66 5,25,164.00
Ladda-C 49,24,306.36 7,75,802.00
MandEast 51,94,169.31 8,94,542.00
MandWest 49,41,422.72 7,20,314.00
Muttal 33,07,930.31 6,91,510.00
SeenBrahamana 33,58,201.33 4,47,665.00
Sundrani 20,85,819.97 0.00
TikriA 31,34,711.23 13,55,045.00
TikriB 36,47,024.00 5,52,066.00
Total 3,69,85,492.84 65,61,297.00
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