Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2020-2021
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-RAMBAN,Block:-Batote
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
BaronBatote 12,51,052.91 6,74,209.00
Chakwa 18,91,199.18 13,59,865.00
Champa 56,91,057.71 25,92,229.00
Dhalwas 26,54,287.64 23,80,383.50
Dharmound 39,68,991.14 21,96,298.00
Karma 55,35,842.13 24,43,523.00
LUDHWAL 17,84,777.00 17,10,674.00
Rakhjarog 14,01,304.38 8,28,900.00
Sana 41,30,575.59 14,18,028.00
Sanasar 16,72,296.91 14,22,241.00
Thopal 24,77,600.87 17,19,330.00
UPPERSANASAR 17,71,098.00 9,99,600.00
Total 3,42,30,083.46 1,97,45,280.50
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