Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2020-2021
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-SAMBA,Block:-Ramgarh
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Abtal 68,94,364.65 14,05,922.00
ChakBhalotran 48,75,257.59 10,33,365.00
ChakChattakian 62,28,146.22 10,00,484.00
ChakNazir 15,70,269.00 7,84,830.00
ChakSalaria 33,22,783.00 15,39,190.00
Chang 56,70,620.52 7,68,450.00
ChanniFatwal 83,92,412.00 17,35,500.00
GhoBrahmna 47,87,987.00 15,47,034.00
KessoManahsan 46,39,241.40 16,89,100.00
Khanpur 44,21,663.13 8,94,100.00
Logowal 46,78,116.26 10,54,344.00
Mahalshan 3,14,63,871.00 6,74,000.00
Nanga 61,16,216.48 18,49,836.00
RaikaLabana 35,81,952.00 22,93,935.00
Rangoor 54,86,838.40 29,16,758.00
Rari 28,71,514.00 8,95,370.00
Swankha 54,63,963.95 11,61,279.00
Trindi 31,29,347.00 14,20,922.00
Total 11,35,94,563.60 2,46,64,419.00
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