eGramSwaraj (Accounting) |
Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement Financial Year:-2020-2021 State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-KUPWARA,Block:-KRALPORA |
Village Panchayat & Equivalent | Receipts | Payments |
Alooosa | 21,66,029.00 | 17,68,904.00 |
BataporaA | 15,20,412.00 | 11,90,795.00 |
BataporaB | 17,09,934.00 | 14,45,960.00 |
DardporaA | 27,35,748.00 | 14,53,083.00 |
DardporaB | 26,29,728.00 | 18,73,693.00 |
DardporaC | 21,32,687.00 | 16,21,691.00 |
DardporaD | 21,47,544.00 | 18,56,188.00 |
DardporaE | 17,02,794.00 | 16,22,373.00 |
DardsunA | 27,05,137.00 | 22,45,115.00 |
DardsunB | 19,98,333.00 | 14,24,842.00 |
GazriyalB | 17,02,500.00 | 8,31,002.00 |
GizriyalA | 19,99,787.00 | 11,98,255.00 |
KralporaA | 25,75,470.00 | 21,87,816.00 |
KralporaB | 21,52,617.00 | 12,79,261.00 |
KralporaC | 18,97,141.00 | 12,27,620.00 |
Reshigund-A | 25,46,773.00 | 16,76,505.00 |
ReshugindB | 33,81,696.00 | 6,97,589.00 |
Shaloora | 36,04,023.00 | 28,01,264.00 |
WarsunA | 15,52,200.00 | 13,99,794.00 |
WarsunB | 18,16,589.00 | 10,47,778.00 |
Total | 4,46,77,142.00 | 3,08,49,528.00 |
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Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Monday, July 18, 2022 3:58 AM |
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