Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2020-2021
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Block Block Panchayat & Equivalent Village Panchayat & Equivalent
Receipts Payments Receipts Payments
BANKURA-I 54,93,372.96 0.00 2,51,68,257.44 31,41,063.00
BANKURA-II 71,21,879.96 0.00 3,73,38,262.30 44,84,843.18
BARJORA 1,04,93,537.96 9,11,288.00 4,85,12,556.43 1,08,78,380.00
CHHATNA 1,32,46,521.96 64,56,667.00 5,58,03,962.98 95.58
GANGAJAL GHATI 94,19,684.96 0.00 4,35,94,107.21 98,70,394.00
HIRBANDH 45,27,292.96 0.00 2,09,63,531.15 2,88,166.00
INDPUR 81,61,511.96 0.00 3,75,01,257.19 99,33,515.00
INDUS 85,52,078.96 18,24,884.00 4,09,95,500.54 1,53,77,478.00
JAYPUR 79,78,545.96 0.00 3,69,21,252.77 45,22,366.00
KHATRA-I 61,00,935.96 0.00 2,81,35,522.01 28,01,919.00
KOTULPUR 93,69,378.96 0.00 4,34,32,920.54 87,79,577.00
MEJHIA 44,69,284.96 0.00 2,05,82,012.22 19,63,584.00
ONDA 1,31,04,785.96 0.00 6,15,83,899.68 36,29,454.68
PATRASAYER 93,76,869.96 0.00 4,35,58,334.96 1,44,89,838.50
RAIPUR-I 90,97,761.96 0.00 4,17,90,427.27 5,71,016.00
RANIBUNDH 70,42,521.96 17,12,680.00 3,58,68,715.85 26,37,966.00
SALTORA 73,13,125.96 0.00 3,38,15,464.08 2,06,774.00
SARENGA 56,70,730.96 0.00 2,58,89,617.96 44,22,308.00
SIMLAPAL 74,06,034.00 12,73,005.00 3,68,22,484.57 56,45,325.50
SONAMUKHI 85,44,024.96 11,62,170.40 3,97,36,676.76 19,81,167.00
TALDANGRA 79,82,131.96 26,03,049.00 3,88,44,719.49 1,59,94,948.00
VISHNUPUR 83,56,433.00 0.00 3,89,13,494.17 24,14,719.25
Total 17,88,28,448.20 1,59,43,743.40 83,57,72,977.57 12,40,34,897.69
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Monday, July 18, 2022 2:49 AM
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