Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Poonch,Block:-Mankote
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Balnoi 24,03,325.77 4,83,100.00
ChajjlaJamalShah 16,74,500.00 6,37,172.00
ChhajalaLower 9,01,604.26 3,22,540.00
ChhajalaUpper 28,63,407.39 18,33,691.00
Dabraj 10,88,218.57 4,42,539.00
GhaniDharati 11,31,625.76 9,02,514.00
GhaniLower 14,12,074.40 3,59,963.00
KasblariLower 28,81,119.13 12,52,380.00
KasblariUpper 19,66,541.21 5,79,100.00
MagyadKeni 22,01,156.00 8,83,593.00
MankoteLower 27,34,141.75 16,23,988.00
MankoteUpper 13,62,912.55 9,14,623.00
Sagra 12,65,365.79 7,43,940.00
Salani 23,53,688.96 6,99,211.00
TopaThera 26,73,457.88 9,10,436.00
UchhadLower 16,99,156.22 10,40,190.00
UchhadUpper 13,64,638.00 12,46,460.00
Total 3,19,76,933.64 1,48,75,440.00
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