Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Poonch,Block:-Mandi
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
AraiHaveli 13,70,780.00 10,15,465.00
AraiMalikan 22,95,906.01 8,46,576.00
AraiPeeran 17,45,610.00 7,77,204.00
Attoli 15,51,823.21 12,41,362.00
Azamabad 15,59,917.43 9,75,094.00
Baila 8,97,236.00 6,52,442.00
Balnai 26,25,039.86 18,07,981.00
Bedar 22,91,263.82 12,71,509.00
Brachhar 12,84,528.74 20,000.00
ChhamberKanari 14,39,200.95 11,36,557.00
Chhela 13,79,326.02 9,77,724.00
Dunugam 25,26,386.00 9,30,155.00
Gagrian-B 27,18,880.26 12,69,367.00
GagrianChool 18,75,088.74 13,57,456.00
Mandi 17,57,881.00 6,00,058.00
Rajpura 32,86,701.34 12,58,354.00
Sawjian-A 10,45,286.71 4,49,140.00
Sawjian-B 13,96,173.30 12,67,733.00
Total 3,30,47,029.39 1,78,54,177.00
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