Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Udhampur,Block:-Ramnagar
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Bhatyari 30,69,069.00 16,09,316.00
Dehari 33,75,246.00 21,60,380.00
Jandrari 17,72,650.00 7,38,967.00
KaghoteA 23,01,436.00 16,42,593.00
KaghoteB 21,78,882.00 19,13,119.00
KatheelGanjuEast 23,14,068.00 15,55,585.00
KathilGanjuWest 19,68,925.00 14,47,373.00
Katwalt 31,92,840.00 22,91,285.00
Kela 25,49,157.00 11,71,646.00
KirmooA 29,66,502.00 19,29,719.00
KirmooB 18,31,937.00 13,58,195.00
Marta 19,72,723.00 11,69,035.00
MartaBassi 16,47,487.00 8,57,731.00
Satyian 21,63,760.00 18,81,144.00
Sullan 31,29,555.00 21,76,183.00
Sunetar-A 21,04,352.00 11,68,987.00
Sunetar-B 20,12,138.00 12,71,290.00
Thaplal 27,91,867.00 19,09,104.00
Total 4,33,42,594.00 2,82,51,652.00
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