Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Baramulla,Block:-Sherabad Khore
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
AgriKalan 13,97,514.00 7,85,547.00
Archanderhama 27,74,534.00 14,17,253.00
Budibugh 15,79,284.00 12,24,914.00
Dangerpora 19,82,045.00 9,04,360.00
GkQasim 28,32,055.00 10,42,244.00
GoomAhmedpora 25,13,941.00 19,01,241.00
HanjiwaraBala 38,38,254.00 21,42,141.00
Khore 51,69,833.00 4,84,257.00
Kungamdara 16,40,875.00 11,03,618.00
Malmooh 9,84,847.00 7,27,255.00
Nowlari 21,02,739.00 14,66,324.00
Sherpora-A 35,99,890.00 7,44,347.00
Sherpora-B 30,17,362.00 12,46,742.00
Total 3,34,33,173.00 1,51,90,243.00
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