Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Doda,Block:-Bhalessa(Gandoh)
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Batara 26,46,179.00 4,04,834.00
Bharghi 26,31,923.00 15,04,680.00
Chonwery 24,65,670.00 11,59,646.00
Darie 32,98,780.00 10,66,520.00
Dhadkhie-A 1,15,02,748.00 15,33,635.00
Dhadkhie-B 25,33,485.00 5,77,350.00
Dherwari-A 27,09,210.00 4,70,160.00
Dherwari-B 26,24,779.00 9,97,173.00
Gondoh 40,71,770.00 14,08,110.00
Kandolu 3,10,87,777.00 11,04,446.00
Kharangal 24,09,157.00 14,07,824.00
Shengani 60,29,820.00 8,92,680.00
Sinoo 60,85,516.00 12,14,340.00
Trithloo 77,89,384.00 17,00,920.00
Total 8,78,86,198.00 1,54,42,318.00
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