Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Doda,Block:-Gundana
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Balwana 31,85,622.00 8,85,955.00
Barshalla 8,32,059.00 3,10,170.00
Cherroute 12,82,915.00 12,80,515.00
DalKhankote 31,45,328.00 3,35,950.00
Dongroo 14,21,918.00 6,82,170.00
Grather-A 8,58,118.00 7,35,459.00
Grather-B 12,49,031.00 6,31,924.00
Gundna 25,45,443.00 7,33,761.00
Jatheli 22,15,135.00 0.00
Ludna 21,19,317.00 11,98,934.00
Malwana-East 7,53,095.00 4,51,315.00
Malwana-West 42,76,411.00 2,96,720.00
Mohalla 28,36,088.00 8,43,900.00
Persholla-A 19,20,794.00 9,21,800.00
Persholla-B(Breswana) 20,89,544.00 5,14,277.00
Tantna 20,95,920.00 6,08,628.00
Total 3,28,26,738.00 1,04,31,478.00
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