Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Kishtwar,Block:-Drabshalla
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Balgran 20,53,502.00 13,93,837.00
Baroti 21,32,485.00 4,90,530.00
Bhadat 12,76,036.00 2,97,200.00
BhutnaChuryana 16,12,819.00 7,13,250.00
Bugrana 11,22,219.00 2,16,920.00
Chamoti 15,25,120.00 5,19,684.00
Dugga 6,95,045.00 1,01,610.00
Ghan 19,82,171.00 11,24,958.00
Haloor 30,61,300.00 6,26,704.00
Karool-A 20,87,607.00 13,58,927.00
Karool-B 10,63,100.00 3,78,925.00
Karool-C 18,89,843.00 3,74,477.00
Khori 13,86,302.00 4,31,600.00
Kukerwas 22,47,221.00 4,85,044.00
Loundri 28,84,616.00 4,91,181.00
PoraChandali 25,46,717.00 9,54,995.00
Sangana 20,16,190.00 11,46,901.00
Shandri 13,78,858.00 6,07,258.00
Tatani 18,45,135.00 10,22,682.00
Total 3,48,06,286.00 1,27,36,683.00
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 3:42 AM
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