eGramSwaraj (Accounting) |
Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement Financial Year:-2022-2023 State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Kulgam,Block:-Kulgam |
Village Panchayat & Equivalent | Receipts | Payments |
Amnoo | 10,42,172.00 | 2,13,613.00 |
Arreh | 16,21,588.00 | 9,04,007.00 |
Ashthal | 38,91,024.00 | 31,37,821.00 |
Awagam | 19,31,944.00 | 10,44,592.00 |
Awahtoo | 15,89,650.00 | 13,52,733.00 |
BugamA | 17,92,591.99 | 7,96,374.00 |
BugamB | 16,07,149.00 | 14,96,666.00 |
Chanseer | 27,75,137.00 | 16,14,191.00 |
Checkpora | 10,10,870.00 | 10,00,314.00 |
Chellan | 3,35,970.00 | 80,000.00 |
Hadigam | 29,52,098.00 | 11,97,216.00 |
Katrasoo | 15,29,998.00 | 12,75,352.00 |
Laroo | 14,78,151.52 | 13,16,037.00 |
Lirrow | 11,86,047.00 | 10,82,004.00 |
Mohipora | 16,47,589.00 | 1,48,000.00 |
Nanibugh | 14,43,533.00 | 13,88,642.00 |
Okey | 14,03,646.91 | 8,76,409.00 |
Poniwah | 17,89,416.00 | 13,94,116.00 |
Sangus | 18,04,823.00 | 1,64,440.00 |
Shalipora | 12,85,992.00 | 8,55,321.00 |
Shurath | 10,03,579.00 | 1,10,800.00 |
TaziporaMohdpora | 12,28,037.00 | 9,37,333.00 |
Vesbatpora | 17,02,459.00 | 10,11,374.00 |
Total | 3,80,53,465.42 | 2,33,97,355.00 |
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Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 3:42 AM |
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