Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Kulgam,Block:-Pahloo
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Akhal 29,25,760.00 15,76,883.00
Arrigutnoo 8,65,614.00 7,16,260.00
Banimullah 18,80,979.00 14,61,251.00
Brinal 29,10,789.00 27,75,245.00
Chambgund 20,53,519.00 17,38,204.00
Dardgund 23,15,050.00 14,41,801.00
Gassirana 6,71,721.00 3,36,669.00
Gudder 31,16,595.00 26,25,753.00
Khaloora 0.00 0.00
Lammer 25,12,048.00 23,11,864.00
LammerB 17,44,886.00 13,34,463.00
MalwanA 22,49,548.00 15,90,200.00
MalwanB 2,31,359.00 91,105.00
Pahloo 22,70,827.00 17,09,058.00
ShahooSachan 22,25,098.00 7,12,296.00
Total 2,79,73,793.00 2,04,21,052.00
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