Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Bandipora,Block:-Aloosa
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
AloosaA 33,12,806.56 16,36,356.00
AloosaB 21,21,990.82 17,27,081.00
AloosaGhat 32,57,777.08 29,68,326.00
Ashtangoo 30,05,045.32 15,67,783.00
AshtangooGhat 25,16,640.56 9,31,161.00
BiniliporaA 24,64,535.86 18,58,061.00
BiniliporaB 17,09,088.34 2,50,653.00
KehnusaA 22,41,346.56 11,98,471.00
KehnusaB 8,30,834.15 8,30,773.00
Kema 7,32,251.96 94,930.00
MalangamA 26,85,450.17 26,34,476.00
MalangamB 29,58,086.85 21,99,698.00
MalangamC 18,50,954.50 13,40,694.00
MalangamD 24,86,679.56 16,01,999.00
Mangnipora 24,08,844.27 21,52,896.00
Muqaam 12,88,474.56 10,25,058.00
MuqamA 14,10,163.56 4,97,930.00
Quil 19,71,092.70 14,07,062.00
QuilA 55,10,160.56 15,78,160.00
Turkpora 18,14,263.56 15,22,254.00
Total 4,65,76,487.50 2,90,23,822.00
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