Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Ganderbal,Block:-Kangan
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Akhal-A 6,11,194.00 2,24,142.00
Akhal-B 6,36,066.00 5,70,170.00
Arigoripora 9,41,064.00 4,49,491.00
Barwulla 4,17,190.00 1,13,859.00
Burnabugh 5,34,342.00 2,11,448.00
ChattergulA(Babareshi) 15,51,345.00 8,71,209.00
Chattergul-B 10,85,501.00 10,66,079.00
ChattergulC(SyedShaib) 44,02,683.00 2,32,410.00
CherwanA 4,55,063.00 1,90,744.00
CherwanB 7,38,348.00 2,50,423.00
Hayen 5,28,750.00 75,310.00
Kachnambal-A 9,61,552.00 6,31,412.00
Kachnambal-B 8,04,585.00 4,24,674.00
Kangan-A 7,07,390.00 6,97,116.00
Kangan-B 13,76,239.00 6,24,578.00
Khanan 4,59,596.00 15,320.00
Kijpora 8,58,139.00 8,51,887.00
Mammer-A 15,04,299.00 12,81,056.00
Mammer-B 4,73,714.00 3,18,060.00
Margund 12,61,285.00 4,10,627.00
Poshker 3,22,586.00 5,432.00
PrengA 6,37,394.00 2,01,031.00
PrengB 8,91,146.00 7,01,091.00
Thune-A 4,00,988.00 0.00
Thune-B 8,98,492.00 8,31,966.00
Thune-C 6,80,400.00 4,87,578.00
WangathA 14,07,719.00 12,36,103.00
WangathB 9,98,840.00 4,81,600.00
Wanghat-C 11,46,688.00 10,24,950.00
WoussanA 14,43,317.00 8,99,315.00
WoussanB 7,38,977.00 4,29,317.00
Yachama 2,86,728.00 95,000.00
Total 3,01,61,620.00 1,59,03,398.00
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