Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Kathua,Block:-Barnoti
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Amala 10,58,027.92 7,16,427.00
BarwalEast 10,00,842.07 8,56,923.00
BarwalWest 12,69,165.64 7,84,568.00
BorthainNorth 39,21,409.56 15,60,743.00
BorthainSouth 9,37,209.56 1,25,151.00
Boura 37,40,006.20 19,27,651.00
BudhiNorthHqSounthal 28,76,381.52 10,92,555.00
BudhiSouth 17,33,448.48 10,35,326.00
ChhanArorian 21,23,452.71 30,050.00
Dhamal 8,98,111.06 6,35,781.00
Falote-A 11,28,027.63 10,23,440.00
ForelainEast 33,98,022.00 19,06,320.00
ForelainWest-A 18,43,100.33 8,17,020.00
ForelainWest-B 27,88,390.06 19,00,227.00
Hamirpur 9,50,526.48 3,05,832.00
HardoMuthi 20,79,535.12 20,10,173.00
Jakhole 15,95,332.68 5,63,606.00
Jandore 15,49,840.21 2,97,020.00
Jothana 25,29,061.00 9,48,984.00
JothanaLower 10,22,165.21 7,56,770.00
KishanpurKandi 15,41,058.79 10,75,254.68
MahiChack 11,72,349.00 3,71,367.00
Mearth 15,66,390.40 8,87,934.00
Nagrota 13,79,660.43 2,61,598.00
Nanan 14,81,255.95 5,34,859.00
Nihalpur 15,12,438.49 3,50,778.00
Palli 42,75,506.05 13,14,611.00
Pandrar 17,68,572.50 7,03,684.00
RakhHoshiari 14,05,472.36 1,47,430.00
Terhera 32,69,590.94 15,66,837.00
Uttri 22,38,419.39 15,29,728.00
Total 6,00,52,769.74 2,80,38,647.68
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