Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Kupwara,Block:-Kalarooch
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Dogerpora 3,33,964.15 2,02,452.00
DogerporaA 3,69,302.65 2,46,150.00
Kalaroos 3,95,067.00 2,49,442.00
KalaroseA 14,10,010.00 13,99,411.00
Kanipora 32,23,102.00 10,44,082.00
KhumriyalA 42,19,180.27 15,93,485.00
KhumriyalB 28,21,158.90 3,53,952.00
KhumriyalC 31,37,115.54 6,25,691.00
Ladha 1,05,453.65 17,188.00
Lastiyal 7,19,529.00 3,84,774.00
Madmadow 30,42,986.09 2,41,645.00
Mori 2,13,503.00 1,18,970.00
Nagsari 28,67,258.00 11,29,928.00
Narikoote 29,96,343.00 9,37,607.00
Nunwani 12,45,506.00 1,09,821.00
Payerpora 39,44,950.00 14,53,317.00
Sarkuli 27,95,845.65 5,17,678.00
ThayanA 10,54,413.00 5,97,557.00
ThayanB 26,01,750.81 15,71,702.00
Total 3,74,96,438.71 1,27,94,852.00
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