Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Kupwara,Block:-Ramhal
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Cheerakote 17,43,979.00 6,66,079.00
DahamaA 11,28,001.00 7,49,625.00
DahamaB 10,51,318.00 1,70,652.00
Dolipora 18,02,339.00 3,22,250.00
Kukroosa 21,67,142.00 11,61,143.00
Kukrosa 24,43,113.00 17,74,763.00
Padergund 3,84,795.00 3,11,082.00
Punzma-A 16,38,820.00 7,43,033.00
Punzma-B 17,60,822.00 6,73,547.00
PunzwaC 29,91,691.00 6,97,052.00
Sunmulla 14,85,563.00 9,38,865.00
VilligamA 10,01,986.00 3,20,306.00
VilligamB 1,54,104.00 1,50,787.00
WaisaKawannard 13,88,040.00 3,44,063.00
Zaferkhani 16,95,185.00 10,14,766.00
Total 2,28,36,898.00 1,00,38,013.00
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