Village wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-JAMMU AND KASHMIR,District:-Kupwara,Block:-Tangdar
Village Panchayat & Equivalent Receipts Payments
Bagabella 3,42,939.00 1,53,500.00
Dildar-I 0.00 0.00
Dildar-Ii 81,545.00 0.00
Gumal 2,70,740.00 2,000.00
Hajinar 2,30,505.00 1,56,000.00
KandiBala 4,76,705.00 1,55,500.00
KandiPayeen 3,13,347.00 5,600.00
Khonigabra 4,55,506.42 2,47,760.00
Khowerpora-A 8,56,539.00 6,94,616.00
Khowerpora-B 1,47,939.00 5,000.00
Nawagabra-I 3,00,062.00 0.00
Nawagabra-Ii 1,50,000.00 1,50,000.00
Nawagabra-Iii 2,05,970.00 1,50,000.00
Nichiyan 2,49,992.00 1,55,000.00
TangdarC 3,37,755.00 1,09,740.00
Tangdar-Ii 2,26,682.00 9,600.00
Tanghdar-I 4,39,139.91 8,450.00
Total 50,85,366.33 20,02,766.00
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 3:42 AM
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