Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
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Block Block Panchayat & Equivalent Village Panchayat & Equivalent
OB + Receipts (Cr) Payments (Cr) OB + Receipts (Cr) Payments (Cr)
Aurai 6.243485 2.9163227 18.692661 9.361562
Bandra 1.696559 0.8942196 8.869688 4.5827937
Bochahan 4.0233884 2.7407181 15.033019 7.7276983
Gaighat 4.2418046 4.1424227 17.500753 6.7074676
Kanti 4.802999 2.199639 14.138109 8.958214
Katra 4.521031 3.2605026 13.485908 10.994567
Kurhani 5.840435 3.9368951 27.887695 14.040099
Marwan 2.8526456 1.6708548 9.76675 6.3620334
Minapur 3.3745549 2.481789 18.617092 12.186858
Motipur 5.301383 4.3270674 21.72017 14.61478
Muraul 1.1779058 0.5898177 6.0030684 3.3982933
Mushahari 5.0139728 2.3144505 21.058159 11.170974
Paroo 6.684614 3.670168 23.93795 13.464188
Sahebganj 3.6703153 1.6617705 13.712784 8.41408
Sakra 4.829418 3.1714427 19.034477 10.133628
Saraiya 5.5746465 3.3923492 22.472214 14.502923
Total 69.84916 43.37043 271.93048 156.62016
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 2:02 AM
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