eGramSwaraj (Accounting) |
Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement Financial Year:-2022-2023 State:-BIHAR,District:-Muzaffarpur |
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Block | Block Panchayat & Equivalent | Village Panchayat & Equivalent | ||
OB + Receipts (Cr) | Payments (Cr) | OB + Receipts (Cr) | Payments (Cr) | |
Aurai | 6.243485 | 2.9163227 | 18.692661 | 9.361562 |
Bandra | 1.696559 | 0.8942196 | 8.869688 | 4.5827937 |
Bochahan | 4.0233884 | 2.7407181 | 15.033019 | 7.7276983 |
Gaighat | 4.2418046 | 4.1424227 | 17.500753 | 6.7074676 |
Kanti | 4.802999 | 2.199639 | 14.138109 | 8.958214 |
Katra | 4.521031 | 3.2605026 | 13.485908 | 10.994567 |
Kurhani | 5.840435 | 3.9368951 | 27.887695 | 14.040099 |
Marwan | 2.8526456 | 1.6708548 | 9.76675 | 6.3620334 |
Minapur | 3.3745549 | 2.481789 | 18.617092 | 12.186858 |
Motipur | 5.301383 | 4.3270674 | 21.72017 | 14.61478 |
Muraul | 1.1779058 | 0.5898177 | 6.0030684 | 3.3982933 |
Mushahari | 5.0139728 | 2.3144505 | 21.058159 | 11.170974 |
Paroo | 6.684614 | 3.670168 | 23.93795 | 13.464188 |
Sahebganj | 3.6703153 | 1.6617705 | 13.712784 | 8.41408 |
Sakra | 4.829418 | 3.1714427 | 19.034477 | 10.133628 |
Saraiya | 5.5746465 | 3.3923492 | 22.472214 | 14.502923 |
Total | 69.84916 | 43.37043 | 271.93048 | 156.62016 |
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Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 2:02 AM |
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