eGramSwaraj (Accounting) |
Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement Financial Year:-2022-2023 State:-MADHYA PRADESH,District:-Dhar |
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Block | Block Panchayat & Equivalent | Village Panchayat & Equivalent | ||
OB + Receipts (Cr) | Payments (Cr) | OB + Receipts (Cr) | Payments (Cr) | |
Badnawar | 1.8466718 | 0.9995463 | 13.256617 | 7.515773 |
Bagh | 0.7240239 | 0.2174206 | 11.256832 | 4.7681417 |
Dahi | 1.0020616 | 0.11 | 7.938534 | 2.6252367 |
Dhar | 1.0719205 | 0.5952485 | 7.522377 | 3.9150436 |
Dharampuri | 1.1138728 | 0.6198744 | 6.138394 | 4.608955 |
Gandhwani | 1.0288697 | 0.3321502 | 11.413035 | 4.097418 |
Kukshi | 1.0339133 | 0.07528 | 6.769463 | 2.6734705 |
Manawar | 1.2479448 | 0.4745 | 11.056639 | 5.1798506 |
Nalchha | 1.5809256 | 0.1035863 | 11.605033 | 5.004879 |
Nisarpur | 0.7128431 | 0.1901195 | 8.65624 | 3.3095105 |
Sardarpur | 2.7068207 | 0.5114 | 20.629194 | 9.049602 |
Tirla | 0.8220507 | 0.161947 | 4.8826222 | 3.2833462 |
Umarban | 0.9262271 | 0.4202795 | 7.103136 | 5.033545 |
Total | 15.818146 | 4.8113523 | 128.22812 | 61.06477 |
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Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 2:02 AM |
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