Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2022-2023
State:-MADHYA PRADESH,District:-Shivpuri
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Block Block Panchayat & Equivalent Village Panchayat & Equivalent
OB + Receipts (Cr) Payments (Cr) OB + Receipts (Cr) Payments (Cr)
Badarwas 0.7567381 0.4496553 12.199536 6.4957876
Karera 0.8531147 0.2609222 11.506039 7.353718
Khaniadhana 1.6626309 0.3265441 31.110247 9.236624
Kolaras 1.1393665 0.8425273 8.204908 5.023116
Narwar 1.0073401 0.512848 6.9645367 4.95825
Pichhore 1.8547636 1.08104 12.892868 7.496292
Pohri 1.9245052 0.4667678 10.45501 6.0729713
Shivpuri 1.391124 0.852171 20.462084 6.9732985
Total 10.589583 4.7924757 113.79523 53.610058
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