eGramSwaraj (Accounting) |
Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement Financial Year:-2022-2023 State:-MAHARASHTRA,District:-Kolhapur |
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Block | Block Panchayat & Equivalent | Village Panchayat & Equivalent | ||
OB + Receipts (Cr) | Payments (Cr) | OB + Receipts (Cr) | Payments (Cr) | |
Ajara | 23.966667 | 0.5900817 | 28.703245 | 9.774647 |
Bhudargad | 74.1752 | 68.445076 | 36.727787 | 18.269794 |
Chandgad | 30.392233 | 24.990795 | 47.48751 | 18.097652 |
Gadhinglaj | 28.346275 | 20.498497 | 48.90384 | 18.453255 |
Gagan Bavada | 11.608431 | 8.242342 | 11.472077 | 5.29615 |
Hatkanangale | 78.58569 | 64.604965 | 114.49827 | 64.047554 |
Kagal | 6.826598 | 0.6893772 | 57.0061 | 27.239923 |
Karveer | 28.094412 | 2.6444964 | 126.20087 | 70.36832 |
Panhala | 47.29809 | 43.680428 | 73.15034 | 37.559124 |
Radhanagari | 41.062107 | 32.569115 | 46.288982 | 19.750425 |
Shahuwadi | 41.95911 | 37.399933 | 48.19988 | 24.12237 |
Shirol | 14.355587 | 1.0494281 | 74.25824 | 37.703003 |
Total | 426.6704 | 305.40454 | 712.89716 | 350.68222 |
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Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 2:02 AM |
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