eGramSwaraj (Accounting) |
Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement Financial Year:-2024-2025 State:-GUJARAT,District:-Kachchh |
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Block | Block Panchayat & Equivalent | Village Panchayat & Equivalent | ||
OB + Receipts (Cr) | Payments (Cr) | OB + Receipts (Cr) | Payments (Cr) | |
Abdasa | 5.607 | 0.768 | 18.434124 | 4.5660086 |
Anjar | 6.631 | 1.314 | 14.532004 | 4.452436 |
Bhachau | 5.344 | 0.833 | 17.829958 | 4.64896 |
Bhuj | 12.536 | 1.469 | 36.812954 | 9.455347 |
Gandhidham | 2.113 | 0.619 | 4.4061046 | 2.1805515 |
Lakhpat | 3.801 | 0.548 | 12.853533 | 2.8503375 |
Mandvi | 6.846 | 1.404 | 20.856972 | 4.4435263 |
Mundra | 4.489 | 0.683 | 15.866338 | 3.3184996 |
Nakhatrana | 7.684 | 1.255 | 15.87737 | 5.1620846 |
Rapar | 8.717 | 2.046 | 30.185137 | 7.4681735 |
Total | 63.76808 | 10.940497 | 187.6545 | 48.545925 |
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Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Sunday, December 22, 2024 12:54 AM |
Designed & Developed by Panchayat Informatics Division, National Informatics Centre |