Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2024-2025
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Block Block Panchayat & Equivalent Village Panchayat & Equivalent
OB + Receipts (Cr) Payments (Cr) OB + Receipts (Cr) Payments (Cr)
Chanasma 4.796 0.614 16.439926 2.6699817
Harij 3.013 0.453 9.81002 2.052615
Patan 5.755 0.898 14.96665 2.753206
Radhanpur 2.436 1.059 13.072847 5.5278597
Sami 4.299 0.800 12.385345 4.3346405
Sankheswar 2.528 0.847 8.106352 3.056794
Santalpur 2.932 0.342 15.84056 6.3953667
Saraswati 5.013 1.749 21.12494 8.030867
Sidhpur 5.370 1.313 15.784056 3.8129916
Total 36.14199 8.075278 127.5307 38.63432
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Sunday, December 22, 2024 12:54 AM
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