Block wise Receipt and Payment Statement
Financial Year:-2024-2025
State:-GUJARAT,District:-Sabar Kantha
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Block Block Panchayat & Equivalent Village Panchayat & Equivalent
OB + Receipts (Cr) Payments (Cr) OB + Receipts (Cr) Payments (Cr)
Himatnagar 9.357 1.712 25.9554 8.659153
Idar 6.718 2.160 21.055271 7.0303
Khedbrahma 4.869 2.624 16.175886 9.820017
Poshina 3.280 2.772 13.649222 9.906472
Prantij 3.678 0.559 11.803327 4.5270414
Talod 3.576 0.835 12.422628 4.8547
Vadali 1.531 0.784 5.359708 2.4754193
Vijaynagar 6.176 1.775 14.711715 8.146443
Total 39.18512 13.220995 121.133156 55.419544
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Sunday, December 22, 2024 12:54 AM
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