Block Wise Summary Report
Financial Year:-2024-2025
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Block Block Panchayat & Equivalent Village Panchayat & Equivalent
Entered Masters Entered Opening Balance Entered Vouchers Day Book Closed Month Book Closed Year Book Closed Total No of Village Panchayats Total No of Village Panchayats with Master Entry Total No of Village Panchayats with Opening Balance Entry Total No of Village Panchayats with Vouchers Total No of Village Panchayats with Day Book Closed Total No of Village Panchayats with Month Book Closed Total No of Village Panchayats with Year Book Closed
Jawali yes yes (RV-0)(PV-4)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 125 125 125 119/(RV-1332)/(PV-2415)/(CV-742)/(JV-0) 125 125 0
Karad yes yes (RV-1)(PV-70)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 203 199 199 179/(RV-4467)/(PV-5353)/(CV-2584)/(JV-0) 197 196 0
Khandala yes yes (RV-28)(PV-36)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 63 63 63 56/(RV-1133)/(PV-1545)/(CV-263)/(JV-0) 61 61 0
Khatav yes yes (RV-0)(PV-37)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 132 132 132 107/(RV-2297)/(PV-2708)/(CV-1391)/(JV-0) 131 129 0
Koregaon yes yes (RV-0)(PV-0)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 142 142 142 126/(RV-3046)/(PV-3370)/(CV-1803)/(JV-0) 140 140 0
Mahabaleshwar yes yes (RV-0)(PV-2)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 79 79 79 59/(RV-565)/(PV-874)/(CV-201)/(JV-0) 78 77 0
Man yes yes (RV-0)(PV-10)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 94 94 94 79/(RV-1587)/(PV-1765)/(CV-646)/(JV-0) 94 94 0
Patan yes yes (RV-0)(PV-10)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 232 232 232 187/(RV-1526)/(PV-2815)/(CV-620)/(JV-0) 230 226 0
Phaltan yes yes (RV-1)(PV-1)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 130 129 129 105/(RV-4035)/(PV-3933)/(CV-2208)/(JV-0) 128 128 0
Satara yes yes (RV-0)(PV-27)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 190 190 190 154/(RV-2953)/(PV-4157)/(CV-1547)/(JV-0) 189 184 0
Wai yes yes (RV-2)(PV-13)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 97 97 97 75/(RV-1398)/(PV-1768)/(CV-602)/(JV-0) 96 95 0
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 8:15 AM
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