Block Wise Summary Report
Financial Year:-2024-2025
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Block Block Panchayat & Equivalent Village Panchayat & Equivalent
Entered Masters Entered Opening Balance Entered Vouchers Day Book Closed Month Book Closed Year Book Closed Total No of Village Panchayats Total No of Village Panchayats with Master Entry Total No of Village Panchayats with Opening Balance Entry Total No of Village Panchayats with Vouchers Total No of Village Panchayats with Day Book Closed Total No of Village Panchayats with Month Book Closed Total No of Village Panchayats with Year Book Closed
Bhuner Heri yes yes (RV-2)(PV-35)(CV-0)(JV-40) yes yes no 144 144 144 78/(RV-207)/(PV-449)/(CV-0)/(JV-1) 141 139 0
Ghanaur yes yes (RV-3)(PV-25)(CV-0)(JV-5) yes yes no 85 85 85 64/(RV-193)/(PV-522)/(CV-0)/(JV-2) 80 78 0
Nabha yes yes (RV-2)(PV-0)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 141 141 141 80/(RV-233)/(PV-550)/(CV-0)/(JV-0) 138 133 0
Patiala yes yes (RV-4)(PV-8)(CV-0)(JV-13) yes yes no 100 100 100 64/(RV-179)/(PV-530)/(CV-0)/(JV-1) 100 93 0
Patiala Rural yes yes (RV-0)(PV-0)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 60 60 60 42/(RV-111)/(PV-175)/(CV-0)/(JV-0) 60 60 0
Patran yes yes (RV-0)(PV-0)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 105 105 105 62/(RV-188)/(PV-359)/(CV-4)/(JV-0) 105 103 0
Rajpura yes yes (RV-0)(PV-0)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 95 95 95 59/(RV-150)/(PV-316)/(CV-0)/(JV-2) 95 91 0
Samana yes yes (RV-2)(PV-0)(CV-0)(JV-0) yes yes no 102 102 102 53/(RV-126)/(PV-268)/(CV-0)/(JV-6) 101 100 0
Sanour yes yes (RV-2)(PV-3)(CV-0)(JV-2) yes yes no 100 100 100 83/(RV-233)/(PV-707)/(CV-0)/(JV-0) 100 99 0
Shambu Kalan yes yes (RV-3)(PV-33)(CV-0)(JV-4) yes yes no 90 90 90 60/(RV-204)/(PV-388)/(CV-0)/(JV-0) 90 88 0
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 7:47 AM
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