Month Wise Voucher Summary Report
Financial Year:-2023-2024
LGD Code District Total No Of Vouchers(Village Wise)
April May June July August September October November December January February March Total
15 Bilaspur 1496 2058 2580 2470 2308 2127 1304 3145 2001 2350 2176 3660 27675
16 Chamba 1357 2019 1420 1439 2257 1871 556 2373 2026 2009 1278 2333 20938
17 Hamirpur 1840 3327 4024 3595 3303 3310 1481 3519 4599 4653 5617 8750 48018
18 Kangra 4920 8946 9352 9550 9458 7729 2928 8666 9047 8817 9622 16433 105468
19 Kinnaur 605 499 987 1005 1017 1227 480 930 1067 618 481 681 9597
20 Kullu 2063 3992 4704 3115 3771 3747 1792 4081 4410 4572 4800 9288 50335
21 Lahaul And Spiti 245 442 450 398 643 485 209 672 617 495 425 416 5497
22 Mandi 4922 7488 7989 6469 5652 6540 3421 7032 7105 6417 5802 11381 80218
23 Shimla 3948 5028 6552 4259 4615 4882 2345 5059 4650 5429 5333 9426 61526
24 Sirmaur 2182 2832 3311 2548 3098 3357 1749 3086 3068 3142 3110 5844 37327
25 Solan 1819 2937 3844 2999 3225 3310 1502 3233 3573 3481 3391 6527 39841
26 Una 1819 2607 2787 2766 3137 2846 1062 3361 3356 3419 3881 6095 37136
Total 27216 42175 48000 40613 42484 41431 18829 45157 45519 45402 45916 80834 523576
Report generated through eGramSwaraj( on Saturday, December 21, 2024 1:57 AM
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