1 |
24527753 |
Mtc. of Baracard AWC |
35286 |
Government Sponsored Houses1
Stage 2 100% |

latitude : 23.87429666666667
Longitude : 91.62647999999999
file name : Image_15022020115359628.png
2020-02-15 11:53:59.904238 |
2 |
24527753 |
Mtc. of Baracard AWC |
35286 |
Government Sponsored Houses1
Stage 1 40% |

latitude : 23.83744
Longitude : 91.30420166666666
file name : Image_15022020114648840.png
2020-02-15 11:46:49.203874 |
3 |
46068167 |
Mtc of uttar para AWC kitchen room at moharcherra GP |
16666 |
Mtc of uttar para AWC kitchen room at moharcherra GP1 |
Stage 1 40% |

latitude : 23.88518
Longitude : 91.62548666666667
file name : Image_11012021142249964.png
2021-01-11 14:22:50.055762 |
4 |
46067992 |
Mtc Of Ghosh Para AwC Kitchen Room at Moharcherra GP |
16666 |
Mtc Of Ghosh Para AwC Kitchen Room at Moharcherra GP1 |
Stage 1 40% |

latitude : 23.882510000000003
Longitude : 91.62349833333334
file name : Image_11012021142648875.png
2021-01-11 14:26:48.956693 |
5 |
46068656 |
Const. of Masonary Protection wall on the road near sanjib saha house to box culvert at Moharcherra |
16666 |
Const. of Masonary Protection wall on the road near sanjib saha house to box culvert at Moharcherra 1 |
Stage 1 40% |

latitude : 23.8844022
Longitude : 91.6236282
file name : Image_11012021142440632.png
2021-01-11 14:24:40.728338 |
6 |
46068334 |
Const. of AWC kitchen room (Baracard)AWC at Moharcherra GP under Teliamura R.D Block |
16666 |
Const. of AWC kitchen room (Baracard)AWC at Moharcherra GP under Teliamura R.D Block1 |
Stage 1 40% |

latitude : 23.874173333333335
Longitude : 91.62645166666668
file name : Image_11012021143306492.png
2021-01-11 14:33:06.578684 |
7 |
46068334 |
Const. of AWC kitchen room (Baracard)AWC at Moharcherra GP under Teliamura R.D Block |
16666 |
Const. of AWC kitchen room (Baracard)AWC at Moharcherra GP under Teliamura R.D Block1 |
Stage 1 40% |

latitude : 23.8764167
Longitude : 91.6252723
file name : Image_11012021143224852.png
2021-01-11 14:32:24.940693 |
8 |
46068465 |
Const. Of Debendra sardar para AWC kitchen room at moharcherra GP under Teliamura R.D Block |
16666 |
Const. Of Debendra sardar para AWC kitchen room at moharcherra GP under Teliamura R.D Block1 |
Stage 1 40% |

latitude : 23.886855
Longitude : 91.61537666666666
file name : Image_11012021140531848.png
2021-01-11 14:05:31.937701 |
9 |
51526353 |
const of Rcc returning wall near the house of Rakesh Ghosh for Radhacharan Tilla At Moharcherra Gp |
163562 |
const of Rcc returning wall near the house of Rakesh Ghosh for Radhacharan Tilla At Moharcherra Gp1 |
Stage 1 40% |

latitude : 23.879278333333332
Longitude : 91.62333166666667
file name : Image_05052021120622818.png
2021-05-05 12:06:22.90087 |
10 |
95024788 |
Installation of RO unit for drinking water in AWC/ Schools |
389662 |
Installation of RO unit for drinking water in AWC/ Schools1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.877156666666664
Longitude : 91.62580166666666
file name : Image_22012025144427690.png
2025-01-22 14:44:11.362923 |
11 |
95024788 |
Installation of RO unit for drinking water in AWC/ Schools |
389662 |
Installation of RO unit for drinking water in AWC/ Schools1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.87709333333333
Longitude : 91.62574833333335
file name : Image_25012025145116852.png
2025-01-25 14:51:16.966514 |
12 |
61658546 |
Maintenance of Brick Soling from TK road to Rakesh Gope house Untied |
192144 |
Maintenance of Brick Soling from TK road to Rakesh Gope house Untied1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.87991899,23.87991899
Longitude : 91.62481524,91.62481524
file name : Image_20102022145955186.png
2022-10-20 14:59:55.327292 |
13 |
61658546 |
Maintenance of Brick Soling from TK road to Rakesh Gope house Untied |
192144 |
Maintenance of Brick Soling from TK road to Rakesh Gope house Untied1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.8766405,23.8766405,23.8766405,23.879914233333338,23.879905833333336
Longitude : 91.62528133333332,91.62528133333332,91.62528133333332,91.62458016666666,91.62473841666666
file name : Image_01102023102259691.png
2023-10-01 10:22:59.757763 |
14 |
61658546 |
Maintenance of Brick Soling from TK road to Rakesh Gope house Untied |
192144 |
Maintenance of Brick Soling from TK road to Rakesh Gope house Untied1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.879730533333333,23.87994151666667,23.87992551666667,23.879928116666665,23.879940133333335
Longitude : 91.62377656666668,91.62391178333334,91.62417571666668,91.62447135,91.62480288333333
file name : Image_01102023103015546.png
2023-10-01 10:30:15.611042 |
15 |
113353835 |
Drainage Construction |
224066 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.880461666666665
Longitude : 91.62691833333335
file name : Image_28012025114453490.png
2025-01-28 11:44:53.599636 |
16 |
113353835 |
Drainage Construction |
224066 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.880461666666665
Longitude : 91.62691833333335
file name : Image_28012025114509261.png
2025-01-28 11:45:09.537174 |
17 |
113353835 |
Drainage Construction |
224066 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.880445
Longitude : 91.62691500000001
file name : Image_28012025120101470.png
2025-01-28 12:01:02.010593 |
18 |
113353835 |
Drainage Construction |
224066 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.880454999999998
Longitude : 91.62694833333335
file name : Image_18032025162907772.png
2025-03-18 16:29:07.863205 |
19 |
61658746 |
Construction of Reserved Water Tank at Debendra Sardar Para AWC, Ward No. 1 |
215485 |
Construction of Reserved Water Tank at Debendra Sardar Para AWC, Ward No. 11 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.88705008
Longitude : 91.61565014
file name : Image_20102022142825864.png
2022-10-20 14:28:25.982281 |
20 |
56981848 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP |
194831 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.885082816666667
Longitude : 91.62536221666666
file name : Image_28072023111516861.png
2023-07-28 11:15:16.936568 |
21 |
56981848 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP |
194831 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP10 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.88511076666667
Longitude : 91.62541238333333
file name : Image_28072023111521931.png
2023-07-28 11:15:22.000541 |
22 |
56981848 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP |
194831 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP11 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.877394783333337
Longitude : 91.62617675000001
file name : Image_28072023111528249.png
2023-07-28 11:15:28.312367 |
23 |
56981848 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP |
194831 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP12 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.873029283333334
Longitude : 91.62459785000001
file name : Image_28072023111541830.png
2023-07-28 11:15:41.899946 |
24 |
56981848 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP |
194831 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP13 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.87434158333333
Longitude : 91.62788103333332
file name : Image_28072023111546592.png
2023-07-28 11:15:46.671069 |
25 |
56981848 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP |
194831 |
Operation and Mtc. cost of existing spot sources at Moharchera GP14 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.880358366666663
Longitude : 91.62162226666666
file name : Image_27092023101523889.png
2023-09-27 10:15:23.962032 |
26 |
47208701 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house |
159775 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.8762031,23.8762224,23.876212
Longitude : 91.6253493,91.6253403,91.6253454
file name : Image_05112021134345545.png
2021-11-05 13:43:45.665074 |
27 |
47208701 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house |
159775 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.8762372,23.8761924
Longitude : 91.6253292,91.6253518
file name : Image_05112021134328774.png
2021-11-05 13:43:28.910664 |
28 |
47208701 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house |
159775 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.8762102,23.8762295
Longitude : 91.6253462,91.625337
file name : Image_20112021154938332.png
2021-11-20 15:49:38.464594 |
29 |
47208701 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house |
159775 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.876939099999998,23.876974566666664,23.876961800000004
Longitude : 91.624245,91.6247581,91.6252745
file name : Image_16092023141322583.png
2023-09-16 14:13:22.667003 |
30 |
47208701 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house |
159775 |
const. of brick solling road from T.k Road to House Goutam Barman house1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.876905883333333,23.87693883333333,23.876953533333335,23.876935816666666,23.87694765
Longitude : 91.62424715,91.62453903333332,91.62481686666666,91.62508699999998,91.62523471666667
file name : Image_16092023143022563.png
2023-09-16 14:30:22.721823 |
31 |
41611388 |
construction of betenary hospital site returning wall word no -2 |
270700 |
construction of betenary hospital site returning wall word no -21 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.87984148
Longitude : 91.61940984
file name : Image_16112021143351188.png
2021-11-16 14:33:51.311745 |
32 |
41611953 |
construction of pucca drain from shefal Das house to Govt pond |
474972 |
construction of pucca drain from shefal Das house to Govt pond1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.8709648,23.8709648
Longitude : 91.624206,91.624206
file name : Image_16112021141655575.png
2021-11-16 14:16:55.669386 |
33 |
41611953 |
construction of pucca drain from shefal Das house to Govt pond |
474972 |
construction of pucca drain from shefal Das house to Govt pond1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.872659283333338,23.872808333333335,23.8730595,23.873314516666664,23.873560100000002,23.873738083333333
Longitude : 91.62640431666665,91.62637048333333,91.62634798333332,91.62634621666666,91.62633065,91.6263482
file name : Image_25092023161447635.png
2023-09-25 16:14:47.709403 |
34 |
41611953 |
construction of pucca drain from shefal Das house to Govt pond |
474972 |
construction of pucca drain from shefal Das house to Govt pond1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.843123183333333,23.872820349999998,23.873150366666664,23.873237216666666,23.873484916666666,23.873748733333333
Longitude : 91.65732838333334,91.62635475,91.62628273333333,91.62627683333334,91.62627571666665,91.62627730000001
file name : Image_30092023115547823.png
2023-09-30 11:55:47.909345 |
35 |
41611953 |
construction of pucca drain from shefal Das house to Govt pond |
474972 |
construction of pucca drain from shefal Das house to Govt pond1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.872626466666663,23.872843699999997,23.8730827,23.873369533333335,23.873629800000003
Longitude : 91.62632051666667,91.62629426666666,91.62635700000001,91.62632395,91.62630536666666
file name : Image_30092023120342226.png
2023-09-30 12:03:42.325606 |
36 |
56980750 |
Instalation of LED/Solar street light at different place of Moharchera GP. |
360000 |
Near the land of Sajal Das |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.87176206
Longitude : 91.62465865
file name : Image_12072022141623565.png
2022-07-12 14:16:23.667885 |
37 |
85802881 |
Water Supply to villages |
248130 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.887055
Longitude : 91.61561666666667
file name : Image_12122023145153555.png
2023-12-12 14:51:53.649576 |
38 |
85802881 |
Water Supply to villages |
248130 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.887073333333333
Longitude : 91.61559666666666
file name : Image_13032024103519920.png
2024-03-13 10:35:20.020683 |
39 |
85802881 |
Water Supply to villages |
248130 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.887085000000003
Longitude : 91.61558666666666
file name : Image_04042024111354130.png
2024-04-04 11:13:54.237734 |
40 |
85802881 |
Water Supply to villages |
248130 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.88702
Longitude : 91.61562
file name : Image_08102024101043220.png
2024-10-08 10:10:43.333919 |
41 |
85802670 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
248130 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.872628333333335
Longitude : 91.62512166666666
file name : Image_12122023143423883.png
2023-12-12 14:34:23.992875 |
42 |
85802670 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
248130 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.872663333333335
Longitude : 91.62506
file name : Image_13032024103526246.png
2024-03-13 10:35:26.348162 |
43 |
85802670 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
248130 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.872608333333332
Longitude : 91.62511500000001
file name : Image_06112024102957733.png
2024-11-06 10:29:57.880307 |
44 |
95022905 |
Construction of roads |
176636 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.878255,23.878236666666666,23.878376666666668,23.878561666666663,23.878716666666666
Longitude : 91.62876333333334,91.62873999999998,91.628755,91.62873333333333,91.62869833333335
file name : Image_16012025165055179.png
2025-01-16 16:50:44.827323 |
45 |
95022905 |
Construction of roads |
176636 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.878461666666666,23.87849833333333
Longitude : 91.62883500000001,91.62891499999999
file name : Image_26032025125823403.png
2025-03-26 12:58:23.560288 |
46 |
95021035 |
Construction of Child Friendly Corner in AWC/ School/ GP/ Public Building |
187493 |
Construction of Child Friendly Corner in AWC/ School/ GP/ Public Building1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.87933666666667
Longitude : 91.62677833333333
file name : Image_22012025142126977.png
2025-01-22 14:21:12.409795 |
47 |
95021035 |
Construction of Child Friendly Corner in AWC/ School/ GP/ Public Building |
187493 |
Construction of Child Friendly Corner in AWC/ School/ GP/ Public Building1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.879256666666667
Longitude : 91.62681833333333
file name : Image_26032025130644642.png
2025-03-26 13:06:44.754987 |
48 |
95022187 |
Installation of Solar lights |
344624 |
Installation of Solar lights1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.87611
Longitude : 91.6254907
file name : Image_18032025155523377.png
2025-03-18 15:55:23.569274 |
49 |
95022187 |
Installation of Solar lights |
344624 |
Installation of Solar lights1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.874555
Longitude : 91.62640000000002
file name : Image_22012025143837637.png
2025-01-22 14:38:23.074318 |
50 |
95022187 |
Installation of Solar lights |
344624 |
Installation of Solar lights1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.874246666666668
Longitude : 91.62660166666667
file name : Image_25012025145611533.png
2025-01-25 14:56:11.771059 |
51 |
95022187 |
Installation of Solar lights |
344624 |
Installation of Solar lights1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.8760934
Longitude : 91.6254878
file name : Image_18032025155527696.png
2025-03-18 15:55:27.787474 |
52 |
95022187 |
Installation of Solar lights |
344624 |
Installation of Solar lights1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.8761113
Longitude : 91.6254732
file name : Image_18032025155652043.png
2025-03-18 15:56:52.126961 |
53 |
68684740 |
Construction of roads |
245160 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.879956666666665,23.880088333333333,23.880363333333335,23.880535000000002,23.8807,23.880910000000004
Longitude : 91.62139,91.62139833333335,91.62141500000001,91.62144166666667,91.621475,91.62142833333334
file name : Image_24012024150019117.png
2024-01-24 15:00:19.207768 |
54 |
68684740 |
Construction of roads |
245160 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.880914999999998,23.88071
Longitude : 91.621405,91.62142833333334
file name : Image_23122024131548533.png
2024-12-23 13:15:48.61996 |
55 |
68684740 |
Construction of roads |
245160 |
Construction of roads1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.880536666666664,23.880411666666667,23.880103333333334
Longitude : 91.62143666666667,91.62139333333334,91.62136333333335
file name : Image_23122024133138015.png
2024-12-23 13:31:38.1066 |
56 |
96207085 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
494748 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.878441666666664
Longitude : 91.62709500000001
file name : Image_04072024112843321.png
2024-07-04 11:28:43.405447 |
57 |
96207085 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
494748 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.878538333333335
Longitude : 91.62710333333334
file name : Image_23122024131030465.png
2024-12-23 13:10:30.583608 |
58 |
96207085 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
494748 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.87644833333333
Longitude : 91.625145
file name : Image_25012025133220111.png
2025-01-25 13:32:20.252818 |
59 |
96207085 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
494748 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.878551666666667
Longitude : 91.627195
file name : Image_25012025133225009.png
2025-01-25 13:32:25.113602 |
60 |
96207085 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
494748 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.878551666666667
Longitude : 91.627195
file name : Image_25012025133231716.png
2025-01-25 13:32:31.87732 |
61 |
96207085 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
494748 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 23.878575
Longitude : 91.62710333333334
file name : Image_25012025134442594.png
2025-01-25 13:44:42.710845 |
62 |
113352536 |
Drainage Construction |
484567 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.88265833333333
Longitude : 91.62376166666667
file name : Image_28012025113242490.png
2025-01-28 11:32:42.584648 |
63 |
113352536 |
Drainage Construction |
484567 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.882703333333332
Longitude : 91.62382166666666
file name : Image_28012025113257730.png
2025-01-28 11:32:57.967661 |
64 |
113352536 |
Drainage Construction |
484567 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.882703333333332
Longitude : 91.62382166666666
file name : Image_28012025113313042.png
2025-01-28 11:33:13.237277 |
65 |
113352536 |
Drainage Construction |
484567 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.882661666666664
Longitude : 91.62376166666667
file name : Image_28012025121029301.png
2025-01-28 12:10:29.683594 |
66 |
113352536 |
Drainage Construction |
484567 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 23.882679999999997
Longitude : 91.62384833333333
file name : Image_18032025162211162.png
2025-03-18 16:22:11.283616 |
67 |
68685115 |
Construction of roads |
220913 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.884495,23.884495
Longitude : 91.62643666666666,91.62643666666666
file name : Image_26032025132138455.png
2025-03-26 13:21:38.552608 |
68 |
120776980 |
Construction of Child Friendly Corner in AWC/ School/ GP/ Public Building |
200000 |
Construction of Child Friendly Corner in AWC/ School/ GP/ Public Building1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.885551666666668
Longitude : 91.62056166666667
file name : Image_25032025130601445.png
2025-03-25 13:06:01.543402 |
69 |
96204310 |
Repair of School Doors/ Windows/ Gates/ Fixtures |
96836 |
Repair of School Doors/ Windows/ Gates/ Fixtures1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 23.887068333333332
Longitude : 91.61559000000001
file name : Image_25032025131614333.png
2025-03-25 13:16:14.419803 |