1 |
48063788 |
Streets |
882749 |
Streets and public building |
Completion of work |

latitude : 30.60361392,30.60361392
Longitude : 74.82866144,74.82866144
file name : Image_17102021143408457.png
2021-10-17 14:34:08.563447 |
2 |
48063788 |
Streets |
882749 |
Streets and public building |
Completion of work |

latitude : 30.60022368,30.60022368
Longitude : 74.8408689,74.8408689
file name : Image_17102021144002215.png
2021-10-17 14:40:02.317861 |
3 |
48064030 |
Drinking water and sanitation |
882749 |
Sanitation |
Completion of work |

latitude : 30.60027421
Longitude : 74.84081665
file name : Image_17102021143910154.png
2021-10-17 14:39:10.268417 |
4 |
82558788 |
Construction of roads |
200000 |
Construction of roads |
Completion of work |

latitude : 30.5951807,30.5951807
Longitude : 74.8122557,74.8122557
file name : Image_18092024150237067.png
2024-09-18 15:02:37.15949 |
5 |
82558788 |
Construction of roads |
200000 |
Construction of roads |
Plinth level |

latitude : 30.595178,30.595178
Longitude : 74.8122381,74.8122381
file name : Image_18092024151534979.png
2024-09-18 15:15:35.063591 |
6 |
82558511 |
Construction of Building |
388490 |
Construction of Building |
Completion of work |

latitude : 30.59518188
Longitude : 74.81225959
file name : Image_18092024151758149.png
2024-09-18 15:17:58.228342 |
7 |
82558511 |
Construction of Building |
388490 |
Construction of Building |
Plinth level |

latitude : 30.595178
Longitude : 74.8122391
file name : Image_18092024151917291.png
2024-09-18 15:19:17.380394 |