1 |
67169843 |
Water Supply to villages |
154261 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.2914173,32.2911543
Longitude : 75.6538829,75.6544771
file name : Image_15032023120115079.png
2023-03-15 12:01:15.210379 |
2 |
67199525 |
Greywater management system |
154261 |
Greywater management system1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.29142
Longitude : 75.6538828
file name : Image_15032023115956779.png
2023-03-15 11:59:57.198994 |
3 |
67199736 |
Park Retaining Wall GP Uttam Garden Colony |
154261 |
Park Retaining Wall GP Uttam Garden Colony1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.2900535,32.2899908
Longitude : 75.6556142,75.6555874
file name : Image_15032023114957008.png
2023-03-15 11:49:57.136189 |
4 |
67197680 |
Street and Drain GP Uttam Garden Colony |
154261 |
Street and Drain GP Uttam Garden Colony1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.2914173,32.29142
Longitude : 75.6538829,75.6538828
file name : Image_15032023115804743.png
2023-03-15 11:58:04.864002 |
5 |
49866825 |
Street and Drain |
185005 |
Street and Drain1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.2912768,32.2912811
Longitude : 75.6486186,75.6486082
file name : Image_20072023100947732.png
2023-07-20 10:09:47.850716 |
6 |
49866991 |
Disposal Drain |
138754 |
Disposal Drain1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.29144683,32.2914464,32.29144627
Longitude : 75.654465,75.65446514,75.65446522
file name : Image_20072023101221285.png
2023-07-20 10:12:21.378404 |
7 |
86361554 |
Water Supply to villages |
138754 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.29144306,32.29143888
Longitude : 75.65446382,75.65446369
file name : Image_20072023101404415.png
2023-07-20 10:14:04.516182 |
8 |
58171697 |
Street and Drain GP |
191497 |
Street and Drain GP1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.2929124,32.2929238
Longitude : 75.651524,75.6515586
file name : Image_14122023162217494.png
2023-12-14 16:22:17.556176 |
9 |
85313992 |
Construction of roads |
190841 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 32.29231666666667,32.29229333333333
Longitude : 75.64772500000001,75.64777833333332
file name : Image_29012025163116850.png
2025-01-29 16:31:16.943987 |
10 |
85313992 |
Construction of roads |
190841 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.24913333333333,32.249140000000004
Longitude : 75.64545166666667,75.645495
file name : Image_23082024124059458.png
2024-08-23 12:40:59.530998 |
11 |
85313992 |
Construction of roads |
190841 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 32.249195,32.24913333333333
Longitude : 75.64566666666666,75.64562500000001
file name : Image_23082024124443926.png
2024-08-23 12:44:44.102187 |
12 |
85313992 |
Construction of roads |
190841 |
Construction of roads1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 32.29230833333334,32.29231
Longitude : 75.64778833333334,75.647775
file name : Image_07022025082207910.png
2025-02-07 08:22:07.984859 |