1 |
64310590 |
Bore and machinary |
172000 |
Bore and machinary1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.154079931200084,21.154079931200084
Longitude : 71.16216480731964,71.16216480731964
file name : Image_11072022104152177.png
2022-07-11 10:41:52.229977 |
2 |
61114938 |
2Block Paving Road |
144000 |
2Block Paving Road1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.1566770532915,21.1566770532915
Longitude : 71.1602419987321,71.1602419987321
file name : Image_11072022104154895.png
2022-07-11 10:41:55.347723 |
3 |
61114863 |
1Block Paving road |
200000 |
1Block Paving road1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.152158794480822,21.152158794480822
Longitude : 71.16391394287348,71.16391394287348
file name : Image_24052022171927367.png
2022-05-24 17:19:27.863269 |
4 |
64265137 |
Block paving road |
215000 |
Block paving road1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.77766023,20.77765999
Longitude : 70.93897987,70.93898041
file name : Image_04012024225152180.png
2024-01-04 22:51:52.888571 |
5 |
50284968 |
con of block paving road |
224000 |
con of block paving road1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.77765933,20.77765924
Longitude : 70.9389811,70.93898119
file name : Image_04012024225335117.png
2024-01-04 22:53:35.83102 |
6 |
61115188 |
Con Of Chekdam |
66600 |
Con Of Chekdam1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.77763467,20.77766882
Longitude : 70.93896464,70.93896763
file name : Image_04012024225110392.png
2024-01-04 22:51:11.222718 |
7 |
64265287 |
Pani ni pipe line |
167000 |
Pani ni pipe line1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.7776587,20.77765949
Longitude : 70.93897976,70.93897995
file name : Image_04012024225243125.png
2024-01-04 22:52:43.823024 |
8 |
50284481 |
con of gutter work |
250000 |
con of gutter work1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.14195,21.14195
Longitude : 71.2541908,71.2541908
file name : Image_12022024163140188.png
2024-02-12 16:31:40.308696 |
9 |
50283575 |
con of gutter work |
250000 |
con of gutter work1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.14195,21.14195
Longitude : 71.2541908,71.2541908
file name : Image_12022024163006137.png
2024-02-12 16:30:06.293481 |
10 |
64265211 |
Gutter line |
108000 |
Gutter line1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.14195,21.14195
Longitude : 71.2541908,71.2541908
file name : Image_12022024163143345.png
2024-02-12 16:31:43.468109 |
11 |
64265211 |
Gutter line |
108000 |
Gutter line1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.14195,21.14195
Longitude : 71.2541908,71.2541908
file name : Image_12022024163146650.png
2024-02-12 16:31:46.771453 |
12 |
84442289 |
Construction of roads |
81951 |
Upgradation Work |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.1419847,21.1419847
Longitude : 71.2541972,71.2541972
file name : Image_07102024171023493.png
2024-10-07 17:10:23.621433 |
13 |
84443898 |
Drinking water facilities |
175000 |
Drinking water facilities1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 21.1419421
Longitude : 71.2541962
file name : Image_12022024164542631.png
2024-02-12 16:45:42.736318 |
14 |
84443898 |
Drinking water facilities |
175000 |
Drinking water facilities1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.1419394
Longitude : 71.2541852
file name : Image_12022024164408470.png
2024-02-12 16:44:08.594998 |
15 |
84443441 |
Procurement of Sanitation Kits |
225000 |
Procurement of Sanitation Kits1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 21.1419604
Longitude : 71.2541922
file name : Image_08082024165546844.png
2024-08-08 16:55:46.977764 |
16 |
84443441 |
Procurement of Sanitation Kits |
225000 |
Procurement of Sanitation Kits1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.1419678
Longitude : 71.2541897
file name : Image_08082024145138079.png
2024-08-08 14:51:38.217563 |
17 |
63597270 |
Con Of Gutter Line |
200000 |
Con Of Gutter Line1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 21.1419485,21.1419485
Longitude : 71.2541862,71.2541862
file name : Image_08082024145302671.png
2024-08-08 14:53:02.84625 |