1 |
40630134 |
bhurgabh gutur |
242200 |
bhurgabh gutur1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.712555
Longitude : 71.93281999999999
file name : Image_18082021160321923.png
2021-08-18 16:03:22.029311 |
2 |
40630134 |
bhurgabh gutur |
242200 |
bhurgabh gutur1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.712646666666668
Longitude : 71.93277166666667
file name : Image_27012022153714825.png
2022-01-27 15:37:14.938543 |
3 |
40630134 |
bhurgabh gutur |
242200 |
bhurgabh gutur1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.713011666666663
Longitude : 71.93247666666666
file name : Image_27062022140858633.png
2022-06-27 14:08:58.703749 |
4 |
40630512 |
pvc pipe line work |
242200 |
pvc pipe line work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.712733333333336,21.712736666666668,21.712715000000003
Longitude : 71.93249666666667,71.93249666666667,71.93249833333333
file name : Image_13082021162536563.png
2021-08-13 16:25:36.672625 |
5 |
40630512 |
pvc pipe line work |
242200 |
pvc pipe line work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71269,21.712636666666672
Longitude : 71.93239666666666,71.932355
file name : Image_27062022142342286.png
2022-06-27 14:23:42.367251 |
6 |
40630512 |
pvc pipe line work |
242200 |
pvc pipe line work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.712841336660752,21.712841460941878
Longitude : 71.93247886548164,71.93248189860827
file name : Image_23112023132847696.png
2023-11-23 13:28:47.790754 |
7 |
40630512 |
pvc pipe line work |
242200 |
pvc pipe line work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.712708114139968,21.712707463220884
Longitude : 71.93248638940625,71.93248587599007
file name : Image_20122023123205765.png
2023-12-20 12:32:05.849274 |
8 |
40630512 |
pvc pipe line work |
242200 |
pvc pipe line work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.712734091128596,21.712734091128596
Longitude : 71.932352271385,71.932352271385
file name : Image_20122023123324614.png
2023-12-20 12:33:24.700323 |
9 |
40631020 |
block paving work |
488500 |
block paving work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71679,21.71679,21.716786666666668,21.71677833333333,21.71677833333333,21.716776666666668
Longitude : 71.93626833333333,71.93625333333333,71.936255,71.93625166666668,71.93625,71.93625
file name : Image_13082021161703486.png
2021-08-13 16:17:03.601828 |
10 |
40631020 |
block paving work |
488500 |
block paving work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.714378333333336,21.71438,21.71435
Longitude : 71.93183166666667,71.93183,71.93185333333332
file name : Image_18082021161538032.png
2021-08-18 16:15:38.151968 |
11 |
40631020 |
block paving work |
488500 |
block paving work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71444,21.714426666666668,21.714435
Longitude : 71.93182333333333,71.93183333333333,71.93184833333333
file name : Image_01092021134020026.png
2021-09-01 13:40:20.114546 |
12 |
40631020 |
block paving work |
488500 |
block paving work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.714456666666667,21.71445833333333
Longitude : 71.93166333333333,71.93165666666667
file name : Image_08092021114003095.png
2021-09-08 11:40:03.171099 |
13 |
40631020 |
block paving work |
488500 |
block paving work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.714420000000004,21.714466666666667
Longitude : 71.93166666666666,71.93156833333335
file name : Image_08092021114326216.png
2021-09-08 11:43:26.290674 |
14 |
40631020 |
block paving work |
488500 |
block paving work1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.716735000000003,21.716753333333333
Longitude : 71.93643999999999,71.93642666666666
file name : Image_08092021114905450.png
2021-09-08 11:49:05.535235 |
15 |
64558633 |
290429 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.717626666666668,21.71762833333333
Longitude : 71.93642,71.93638666666668
file name : Image_08022023110835308.png
2023-02-08 11:08:35.37204 |
16 |
64558633 |
290429 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.717383333333334,21.717383333333334
Longitude : 71.93629666666668,71.93627333333333
file name : Image_08022023111106935.png
2023-02-08 11:11:06.996262 |
17 |
64558633 |
290429 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.71753833333333,21.717536666666668
Longitude : 71.936965,71.936865
file name : Image_09022023181152764.png
2023-02-09 18:11:52.828509 |
18 |
64558633 |
290429 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.717531666666666,21.71754
Longitude : 71.93687833333334,71.93689166666667
file name : Image_20022023132520017.png
2023-02-20 13:25:20.080578 |
19 |
64558633 |
290429 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.717555,21.71754
Longitude : 71.93689666666667,71.936905
file name : Image_20022023132433877.png
2023-02-20 13:24:33.935399 |
20 |
64558633 |
290429 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.717608333333335,21.71761333333333,21.717564999999997,21.717530000000004
Longitude : 71.93628,71.93634833333334,71.93656166666666,71.93686666666667
file name : Image_20022023132430853.png
2023-02-20 13:24:30.916978 |
21 |
64558633 |
290429 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 21.71761333333333,21.717611666666667
Longitude : 71.93671833333333,71.936715
file name : Image_22022023150337434.png
2023-02-22 15:03:37.490404 |
22 |
49813878 |
under ground gutter |
305102 |
under ground gutter1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.716218333333337,21.716226666666664
Longitude : 71.93683666666668,71.93682333333332
file name : Image_22022023145916916.png
2023-02-22 14:59:16.976141 |
23 |
49813878 |
under ground gutter |
305102 |
under ground gutter1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.71617,21.716173333333337
Longitude : 71.937185,71.93717333333333
file name : Image_27022023104915072.png
2023-02-27 10:49:15.139733 |
24 |
49813878 |
under ground gutter |
305102 |
under ground gutter1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.716365000000003,21.71619333333333
Longitude : 71.93689666666667,71.93689666666667
file name : Image_27022023104651279.png
2023-02-27 10:46:51.342673 |
25 |
49814212 |
pvc pipeline |
305102 |
pvc pipeline1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.71617666666667,21.716181666666664
Longitude : 71.93721833333333,71.9372
file name : Image_27022023104822623.png
2023-02-27 10:48:22.68698 |
26 |
49814212 |
pvc pipeline |
305102 |
pvc pipeline1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.7155286,21.7155286
Longitude : 71.9351396,71.9351396
file name : Image_27022023104648313.png
2023-02-27 10:46:48.381565 |
27 |
49814212 |
pvc pipeline |
305102 |
pvc pipeline1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.716183333333333,21.71618
Longitude : 71.93717833333334,71.93717166666667
file name : Image_27022023104654358.png
2023-02-27 10:46:54.41665 |
28 |
90696647 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71432039
Longitude : 71.92901952
file name : Image_02022024174018173.png
2024-02-02 17:40:18.26855 |
29 |
90696647 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71433373
Longitude : 71.9290246
file name : Image_02022024174140602.png
2024-02-02 17:41:40.715853 |
30 |
90696647 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71378537
Longitude : 71.92960436
file name : Image_05022024145309291.png
2024-02-05 14:53:09.384566 |
31 |
90696647 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71373299
Longitude : 71.92961501
file name : Image_05022024145158756.png
2024-02-05 14:51:58.848771 |
32 |
90696262 |
Block paving nu kam |
488160 |
Block paving nu kam1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.72015844,21.7194495
Longitude : 71.92359148,71.923878
file name : Image_14062024170411250.png
2024-06-14 17:04:11.31326 |
33 |
90696262 |
Block paving nu kam |
488160 |
Block paving nu kam1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.71980736,21.71987542
Longitude : 71.92373819,71.92376793
file name : Image_18062024122813583.png
2024-06-18 12:28:13.641363 |
34 |
90696262 |
Block paving nu kam |
488160 |
Block paving nu kam1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.76914325,21.72025041
Longitude : 72.14720933,71.92359821
file name : Image_28062024165032484.png
2024-06-28 16:50:32.538149 |
35 |
90696262 |
Block paving nu kam |
488160 |
Block paving nu kam1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.7194834,21.71946119
Longitude : 71.92389408,71.92387362
file name : Image_18062024123006684.png
2024-06-18 12:30:06.746003 |
36 |
90696964 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
366120 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71235302
Longitude : 71.93091193
file name : Image_28062024165549687.png
2024-06-28 16:55:49.740203 |
37 |
90696964 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water |
366120 |
Creation of a new source of drinking water1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.71485609
Longitude : 71.92946612
file name : Image_08102024144612907.png
2024-10-08 14:46:12.984351 |
38 |
107403021 |
Construction of roads |
364870 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71420448,21.71420711
Longitude : 71.92969273,71.92966828
file name : Image_12112024131344179.png
2024-11-12 13:13:44.263556 |
39 |
107403021 |
Construction of roads |
364870 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71420029,21.71420029,21.71420029
Longitude : 71.92965655,71.92965655,71.92965655
file name : Image_12112024131348358.png
2024-11-12 13:13:48.451853 |
40 |
107403021 |
Construction of roads |
364870 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71345749,21.71345749
Longitude : 71.92974794,71.92974794
file name : Image_12112024131356168.png
2024-11-12 13:13:56.259715 |
41 |
107403021 |
Construction of roads |
364870 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71420029,21.71420029
Longitude : 71.92965655,71.92965655
file name : Image_12112024131352835.png
2024-11-12 13:13:52.930782 |
42 |
107403021 |
Construction of roads |
364870 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71333031,21.71333031
Longitude : 71.92968562,71.92968562
file name : Image_12112024131340020.png
2024-11-12 13:13:40.109218 |
43 |
107403021 |
Construction of roads |
364870 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.71426164,21.71439076
Longitude : 71.92926647,71.92920484
file name : Image_12112024142316348.png
2024-11-12 14:23:16.436754 |
44 |
107403021 |
Construction of roads |
364870 |
Construction of roads1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 21.71374878,21.71374878
Longitude : 71.92926617,71.92926617
file name : Image_12112024142745216.png
2024-11-12 14:27:45.37137 |
45 |
107403052 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.7156461
Longitude : 71.9306631
file name : Image_08102024152408345.png
2024-10-08 15:24:08.465731 |
46 |
107403052 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71362827
Longitude : 71.9293422
file name : Image_17102024150133734.png
2024-10-17 15:01:33.58538 |
47 |
107403052 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.7156485
Longitude : 71.9306692
file name : Image_17102024150120448.png
2024-10-17 15:01:20.561258 |
48 |
107403052 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 21.71418615
Longitude : 71.92928534
file name : Image_17102024150201058.png
2024-10-17 15:02:01.189218 |
49 |
107403052 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Plinth level |

latitude : 21.71430375
Longitude : 71.92927666
file name : Image_17102024152231176.png
2024-10-17 15:22:31.278118 |
50 |
107403052 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
366120 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 21.71326933
Longitude : 71.92942646
file name : Image_17102024153051548.png
2024-10-17 15:30:51.937785 |