1 |
20536467 |
Providing and laying PVC pipe line from behind PHC to pandya iswarbhai khemabhai ni fali side. |
17000 |
Water supply pipe line1 |
Stage 1 |
latitude : 23.581386328428255,23.581386328428255
Longitude : 73.29254492650009,73.29254492650009
file name : Image_14112018125241094.png
2018-11-14 12:52:41.291928 |
2 |
20536341 |
Gutter line from virabhai dhanabhai home to Vankar valabhai nathabhai home side. |
208000 |
Drainage1 |
stage1 |
latitude : 23.579223180714177,23.579223180714177
Longitude : 73.29389205537943,73.29389205537943
file name : Image_14112018123218914.png
2018-11-14 12:32:28.809262 |
3 |
20536341 |
Gutter line from virabhai dhanabhai home to Vankar valabhai nathabhai home side. |
208000 |
Drainage1 |
stage1 |
latitude : 23.579223180714177,23.579223180714177
Longitude : 73.29389205537943,73.29389205537943
file name : Image_14112018125227097.png
2018-11-14 12:52:27.213767 |
4 |
20536371 |
Gutter line from patel dhulabhai home to patel babubhai home side. |
113000 |
Drainage1 |
stage1 |
latitude : 23.57939309566214,23.57939309566214
Longitude : 73.29240988519489,73.29240988519489
file name : Image_14112018125236041.png
2018-11-14 12:52:36.136906 |
5 |
21213317 |
gutter line from navi vasahat parmar manabhai laxamanbhai home to rabari bhikhabhai home side. |
194000 |
Drainage1 |
stage1 |
latitude : 23.57953256,23.57953256
Longitude : 73.28876389,73.28876389
file name : Image_28112019110825328.png
2019-11-28 11:08:25.442751 |
6 |
21213317 |
gutter line from navi vasahat parmar manabhai laxamanbhai home to rabari bhikhabhai home side. |
194000 |
Drainage1 |
stage1 |
latitude : 23.57953256,23.57953256
Longitude : 73.28876389,73.28876389
file name : Image_28112019110746922.png
2019-11-28 11:07:47.003352 |
7 |
32298198 |
cc road from somaji galaji home to udesinh sivsinh home side. |
240000 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Stage 1 |
latitude : 23.57573887,23.57573954
Longitude : 73.29087164,73.29087222
file name : Image_28112019110758436.png
2019-11-28 11:07:58.535318 |
8 |
32298236 |
cc road from suthar arvindbhai home to suthar sureshbhai home side. |
100000 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Stage 1 |
latitude : 23.57936652,23.57964191
Longitude : 73.29256174,73.29193352
file name : Image_28112019110828219.png
2019-11-28 11:08:28.317647 |
9 |
32298236 |
cc road from suthar arvindbhai home to suthar sureshbhai home side. |
100000 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Stage 1 |
latitude : 23.57936652,23.57964191
Longitude : 73.29256174,73.29193352
file name : Image_28112019110749757.png
2019-11-28 11:07:49.842142 |
10 |
32298266 |
cc road from daraji gordhanbhai home to daraji maheshbhai vitthalbhai home side. |
275000 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Stage 1 |
latitude : 23.5797141,23.5797141
Longitude : 73.29384556,73.29384556
file name : Image_28112019110831051.png
2019-11-28 11:08:31.150014 |
11 |
32298266 |
cc road from daraji gordhanbhai home to daraji maheshbhai vitthalbhai home side. |
275000 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Stage 1 |
latitude : 23.5797141,23.5797141
Longitude : 73.29384556,73.29384556
file name : Image_28112019110752610.png
2019-11-28 11:07:52.700562 |
12 |
17676238 |
c.c road from rajiv gandhi bhavan to panchayat side. |
200000 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Stage 1 |
latitude : 23.5970206,23.5970206,23.5780923,23.5780923,23.5970206,23.5970206,23.57922294,23.57922294,23.57922294,23.57922294
Longitude : 73.3202072,73.3202072,73.3121001,73.3121001,73.3202072,73.3202072,73.29389569,73.29389569,73.29389569,73.29389569
file name : Image_28112019110743921.png
2019-11-28 11:07:44.01302 |
13 |
40722401 |
c.c road and repering of block from patel dhulabhai home to primary school side. |
130000 |
c.c road and repering of block from patel dhulabhai home to primary school side.1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 23.5792987,23.5792987
Longitude : 73.2940727,73.2940727
file name : Image_17102021140101030.png
2021-10-17 14:01:01.13379 |
14 |
40722401 |
c.c road and repering of block from patel dhulabhai home to primary school side. |
130000 |
c.c road and repering of block from patel dhulabhai home to primary school side.1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 23.5787755,23.57877521
Longitude : 73.29406005,73.29406016
file name : Image_29102021140125132.png
2021-10-29 14:01:25.239085 |
15 |
49660501 |
200000 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 23.56638907,23.56639837
Longitude : 73.27743584,73.27743938
file name : Image_29102021134520099.png
2021-10-29 13:45:20.229563 |
16 |
49661873 |
100000 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 23.57605821,23.57605916
Longitude : 73.29035458,73.29036126
file name : Image_29102021141029119.png
2021-10-29 14:10:29.208816 |
17 |
40723358 |
providing LED light at bolundra gram panchayat area. |
100000 |
providing LED light at bolundra gram panchayat area.1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 23.56601203
Longitude : 73.27786924
file name : Image_29102021135118793.png
2021-10-29 13:51:18.944151 |
18 |
40724415 |
paver block at anganvadi no 2 |
42338 |
paver block at anganvadi no 21 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 23.57684914,23.57684948
Longitude : 73.29019692,73.29019681
file name : Image_29102021141526555.png
2021-10-29 14:15:26.661412 |
19 |
40725298 |
gutter line from chamar kalabhai home to chamar fali. |
100000 |
gutter line from chamar kalabhai home to chamar fali.1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 23.58124165,23.58124165
Longitude : 73.29320764,73.29320764
file name : Image_29102021135708127.png
2021-10-29 13:57:08.236532 |
20 |
40721909 |
protection wall at anganvadi no 2 |
100000 |
protection wall at anganvadi no 21 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 23.57680345
Longitude : 73.29017912
file name : Image_29102021141341360.png
2021-10-29 14:13:41.504532 |
21 |
40721552 |
c c road from bhatkota damar road to nagneswerima temple side |
150000 |
c c road from bhatkota damar road to nagneswerima temple side1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.56650833333333,23.56517
Longitude : 73.27767833333334,73.27718333333334
file name : Image_17082021102602599.png
2021-08-17 10:26:02.68606 |
22 |
40721552 |
c c road from bhatkota damar road to nagneswerima temple side |
150000 |
c c road from bhatkota damar road to nagneswerima temple side1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.56650833333333,23.56517
Longitude : 73.27767833333334,73.27718333333334
file name : Image_17082021102515757.png
2021-08-17 10:25:15.844358 |
23 |
40723008 |
c.c road from water tank to rathod shantibhai home side. |
130000 |
c.c road from water tank to rathod shantibhai home side.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.58453833333333,23.58453833333333
Longitude : 73.30860666666668,73.30860666666668
file name : Image_17082021102453999.png
2021-08-17 10:24:54.094068 |
24 |
40727539 |
gutter line from khantvas parmar dalabhai home to river side. |
100000 |
gutter line from khantvas parmar dalabhai home to river side.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.575249999999997,23.57514
Longitude : 73.29162333333333,73.2917
file name : Image_17082021102548617.png
2021-08-17 10:25:48.72281 |
25 |
40727539 |
gutter line from khantvas parmar dalabhai home to river side. |
100000 |
gutter line from khantvas parmar dalabhai home to river side.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.575249999999997,23.57514
Longitude : 73.29162333333333,73.2917
file name : Image_17082021102500297.png
2021-08-17 10:25:00.392944 |
26 |
40728100 |
gutter line from patel narsinh home to daraji somabhai home side. |
150000 |
gutter line from patel narsinh home to daraji somabhai home side.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.580246666666667,23.580283333333334
Longitude : 73.292105,73.29213333333334
file name : Image_17082021102506012.png
2021-08-17 10:25:06.094194 |
27 |
40728100 |
gutter line from patel narsinh home to daraji somabhai home side. |
150000 |
gutter line from patel narsinh home to daraji somabhai home side.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.580246666666667,23.580283333333334
Longitude : 73.292105,73.29213333333334
file name : Image_17082021102553358.png
2021-08-17 10:25:53.444938 |
28 |
40724239 |
c.c road at bolundra samsan. |
100000 |
c.c road at bolundra samsan.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.580659999999998,23.580659999999998
Longitude : 73.297205,73.297205
file name : Image_17082021102456939.png
2021-08-17 10:24:57.030277 |
29 |
40724239 |
c.c road at bolundra samsan. |
100000 |
c.c road at bolundra samsan.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.580659999999998,23.580659999999998
Longitude : 73.297205,73.297205
file name : Image_17082021102540029.png
2021-08-17 10:25:40.122889 |
30 |
40725015 |
gutter line from vankar khemabhai pujabhai home todamar road side. |
100000 |
gutter line from vankar khemabhai pujabhai home todamar road side.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.581076666666664,23.581076666666664
Longitude : 73.293185,73.293185
file name : Image_17082021102511546.png
2021-08-17 10:25:11.641235 |
31 |
40725015 |
gutter line from vankar khemabhai pujabhai home todamar road side. |
100000 |
gutter line from vankar khemabhai pujabhai home todamar road side.1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 23.581076666666664,23.581076666666664
Longitude : 73.293185,73.293185
file name : Image_17082021102557488.png
2021-08-17 10:25:57.588833 |