1 |
9999513 |
Implementing e-learning activities |
44380 |
Desktop Computers1 |
100% |
latitude : 20.678076603716427
Longitude : 77.31233965605497
file name : Image_03022019101611546.png
2019-02-03 10:16:11.688324 |
2 |
81847219 |
Creation of plastic waste storage unit |
75171 |
Creation of plastic waste storage unit1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 20.68713
Longitude : 77.31399833333333
file name : Image_21052024192432869.png
2024-05-21 19:24:32.975692 |
3 |
81847219 |
Creation of plastic waste storage unit |
75171 |
Creation of plastic waste storage unit1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 20.68723333333333
Longitude : 77.31396833333334
file name : Image_21052024191845690.png
2024-05-21 19:18:45.844022 |
4 |
81847219 |
Creation of plastic waste storage unit |
75171 |
Creation of plastic waste storage unit1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.68712
Longitude : 77.31398166666666
file name : Image_21052024191323181.png
2024-05-21 19:13:23.287143 |
5 |
103440081 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
40000 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 20.68713166666667
Longitude : 77.31399
file name : Image_21052024202719624.png
2024-05-21 20:27:19.742527 |
6 |
103440081 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
40000 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 20.687193333333333
Longitude : 77.31395666666667
file name : Image_21052024192127766.png
2024-05-21 19:21:27.866751 |
7 |
103440081 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water |
40000 |
Creation of drainage channel for management of grey water1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.68713166666667
Longitude : 77.31397666666666
file name : Image_21052024191537472.png
2024-05-21 19:15:37.594644 |
8 |
95031721 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs |
115171 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 20.765164066206587
Longitude : 77.3114595341414
file name : Image_31052024193228459.png
2024-05-31 19:32:28.507124 |
9 |
95031721 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs |
115171 |
Household Sanitation - Construction of IHHL for eligible HHs1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.765173700882816
Longitude : 77.31145493313473
file name : Image_31052024192940733.png
2024-05-31 19:29:40.786254 |