1 |
64107949 |
सीमेंट रास्ता / पेव्हर ब्लॉक रस्ता व बंदिस्त नाली बांधकाम करणे उदगिरे नगर मध्ये |
200000 |
सीमेंट रास्ता / पेव्हर ब्लॉक रस्ता व बंदिस्त नाली बांधकाम करणे उदगिरे नगर मध्ये 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.41735499
Longitude : 77.2284062
file name : Image_14062023210957105.png
2023-06-14 21:09:57.194867 |
2 |
64107473 |
बोअर दुरूस्ती / RO प्लांट दुरूस्ती |
100000 |
बोअर दुरूस्ती / RO प्लांट दुरूस्ती 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.3920869
Longitude : 77.119432
file name : Image_21092023182631247.png
2023-09-21 18:26:31.342117 |
3 |
81175822 |
Piped water supply to HH |
60000 |
Piped water supply to HH1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.3920662
Longitude : 77.1194341
file name : Image_17122023160522555.png
2023-12-17 16:05:22.639841 |
4 |
81175822 |
Piped water supply to HH |
60000 |
Piped water supply to HH1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.3920781
Longitude : 77.1194744
file name : Image_05122023203500085.png
2023-12-05 20:35:00.171265 |
5 |
81175822 |
Piped water supply to HH |
60000 |
Piped water supply to HH1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.3920787
Longitude : 77.1194735
file name : Image_05122023202813551.png
2023-12-05 20:28:13.637197 |
6 |
81175822 |
Piped water supply to HH |
60000 |
Piped water supply to HH1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.3924129
Longitude : 77.1198796
file name : Image_01122023125826395.png
2023-12-01 12:58:26.51904 |
7 |
81151190 |
Purchase of Sanitary Pad Incinerator |
60000 |
Purchase of Sanitary Pad Incinerator1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.3920662
Longitude : 77.1194341
file name : Image_17122023160315351.png
2023-12-17 16:03:15.432747 |
8 |
81151190 |
Purchase of Sanitary Pad Incinerator |
60000 |
Purchase of Sanitary Pad Incinerator1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.3920782
Longitude : 77.1194744
file name : Image_05122023203537315.png
2023-12-05 20:35:37.39765 |
9 |
81151190 |
Purchase of Sanitary Pad Incinerator |
60000 |
Purchase of Sanitary Pad Incinerator1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.3920817
Longitude : 77.1194832
file name : Image_05122023202259261.png
2023-12-05 20:22:59.35093 |
10 |
81151190 |
Purchase of Sanitary Pad Incinerator |
60000 |
Purchase of Sanitary Pad Incinerator1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.3920781
Longitude : 77.1194744
file name : Image_05122023192208314.png
2023-12-05 19:22:08.439548 |
11 |
81168952 |
Development of Water Bodies |
60000 |
Development of Water Bodies1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.3920662
Longitude : 77.1194341
file name : Image_17122023160517693.png
2023-12-17 16:05:17.773891 |
12 |
81168952 |
Development of Water Bodies |
60000 |
Development of Water Bodies1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.392077
Longitude : 77.1194751
file name : Image_05122023200447520.png
2023-12-05 20:04:47.780684 |
13 |
81168952 |
Development of Water Bodies |
60000 |
Development of Water Bodies1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.3920785
Longitude : 77.1194736
file name : Image_05122023200221055.png
2023-12-05 20:02:21.739118 |
14 |
81168952 |
Development of Water Bodies |
60000 |
Development of Water Bodies1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.3920785
Longitude : 77.119474
file name : Image_05122023195638342.png
2023-12-05 19:56:39.087251 |
15 |
81168952 |
Development of Water Bodies |
60000 |
Development of Water Bodies1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.3920783
Longitude : 77.1194744
file name : Image_05122023191952218.png
2023-12-05 19:19:52.320837 |
16 |
81178640 |
Co-Location of CSC |
21206 |
Co-Location of CSC1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.3920841
Longitude : 77.1194671
file name : Image_17122023172146092.png
2023-12-17 17:21:46.176175 |
17 |
81178640 |
Co-Location of CSC |
21206 |
Co-Location of CSC1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.3920819
Longitude : 77.1194771
file name : Image_17122023171758840.png
2023-12-17 17:17:58.919601 |
18 |
81178640 |
Co-Location of CSC |
21206 |
Co-Location of CSC1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.3920662
Longitude : 77.1194341
file name : Image_17122023160527671.png
2023-12-17 16:05:27.762703 |
19 |
94286118 |
Creation of soak pits for individual Household for onsite Grey Water Management |
319368 |
Creation of soak pits for individual Household for onsite Grey Water Management1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.3919189
Longitude : 77.1193659
file name : Image_24042024115148159.png
2024-04-24 11:51:48.219549 |
20 |
88628992 |
Operation & maintenance of Grey water management system |
30000 |
Operation & maintenance of Grey water management system1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.3920451
Longitude : 77.1194572
file name : Image_14032024173713197.png
2024-03-14 17:37:13.291318 |