1 |
25847586 |
प्रशासकिय खर्च |
147972 |
प्रशासकिय खर्च 1 |
0 |
latitude : 20.4779124
Longitude : 73.9236384
file name : Image_04022021170850864.png
2021-02-04 17:08:50.958319 |
2 |
40123625 |
भूमिगत गटार बांधणे |
167225 |
भूमिगत गटार बांधणे 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474890000000002,20.4749696
Longitude : 73.923315,73.9231537
file name : Image_05122022174442030.png
2022-12-05 17:44:42.144598 |
3 |
56235947 |
पाण्याची टाकी बांधणे |
341000 |
पाण्याची टाकी बांधणे1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 20.475216666666665
Longitude : 73.92360833333333
file name : Image_07012022160231989.png
2022-01-07 16:02:32.094169 |
4 |
40123888 |
रस्ता तयार करणे |
190000 |
रस्ता तयार करणे 1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 20.4742581,20.4742522
Longitude : 73.9228196,73.9228167
file name : Image_08062022183106308.png
2022-06-08 18:31:06.404405 |
5 |
49318291 |
zp shala chinchpada yethe shauchalay bandhane v durusti |
150000 |
zp shala chinchpada yethe shauchalay bandhane v durusti 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474816666666666
Longitude : 73.92342666666667
file name : Image_09122022113157321.png
2022-12-09 11:31:57.413813 |
6 |
49317932 |
zp shala jamle yethe shauchaly v mutari badhane v durusti |
150000 |
zp shala jamle yethe shauchaly v mutari badhane v durusti1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.47476
Longitude : 73.92336166666668
file name : Image_05122022174446291.png
2022-12-05 17:44:46.408616 |
7 |
49323473 |
Providing uniforms to Anganwadi children |
20000 |
Providing uniforms to Anganwadi children1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474943333333332
Longitude : 73.92337500000001
file name : Image_05122022174451304.png
2022-12-05 17:44:51.420239 |
8 |
49321323 |
Construction of drinking water tank and extension of pipeline |
447469 |
Construction of drinking water tank and extension of pipeline1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.4875982
Longitude : 73.8778204
file name : Image_30032022235900095.png
2022-03-30 23:59:00.218783 |
9 |
40120734 |
जि.प शाळा चिंचपाडा येथे शौचालय / मुतारी बांधणे |
120000 |
जि.प शाळा चिंचपाडा येथे शौचालय / मुतारी बांधणे 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474858333333334
Longitude : 73.92339166666667
file name : Image_04022023190226342.png
2023-02-04 19:02:26.394991 |
10 |
49322543 |
To provide e-learning materials to ZP schools |
22000 |
To provide e-learning materials to ZP schools1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474778333333333
Longitude : 73.92336833333334
file name : Image_06022023170335112.png
2023-02-06 17:03:35.163275 |
11 |
49321880 |
Anganwadi Jamle and Chinchpada toilets and urinals repaired |
147469 |
Anganwadi Jamle and Chinchpada toilets and urinals repaired1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474981666666668
Longitude : 73.92336833333334
file name : Image_06022023170331037.png
2023-02-06 17:03:31.090693 |
12 |
57048540 |
शाळा दुरुस्ती , डिजिटल , साहित्य पुरविणे |
90000 |
शाळा दुरुस्ती , डिजिटल , साहित्य पुरविणे 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.4751771
Longitude : 73.9231491
file name : Image_31082023115231594.png
2023-08-31 11:52:31.681111 |
13 |
57066270 |
कचरा कुंडी |
30000 |
कचरा कुंडी 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.4751467
Longitude : 73.9231574
file name : Image_31082023115237255.png
2023-08-31 11:52:37.34946 |
14 |
57064927 |
अंगणवाडी दुरुस्ती व साहित्य (वजन काटे ) पोषण आहर व गणवेश पुरविणे |
52116 |
अंगणवाडी दुरुस्ती व साहित्य (वजन काटे ) पोषण आहर व गणवेश पुरविणे1 |
latitude : 20.474903333333334
Longitude : 73.92327666666667
file name : Image_31082023152108042.png
2023-08-31 15:21:08.159709 |
15 |
49322374 |
Z.P. Repairing the school |
150000 |
Z.P. Repairing the school1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.47507166666667
Longitude : 73.92348333333332
file name : Image_09012024164755270.png
2024-01-09 16:47:55.329572 |
16 |
49323936 |
To make the road cement concrete road within the village |
300000 |
To make the road cement concrete road within the village1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474794999999997,20.474715
Longitude : 73.92306666666667,73.92329833333334
file name : Image_30012024220827034.png
2024-01-30 22:08:27.089732 |
17 |
49322917 |
To provide employment training to women and youth |
10000 |
To provide employment training to women and youth1 |
latitude : 20.4751301
Longitude : 73.9245787
file name : Image_15122023172742005.png
2023-12-15 17:27:41.793738 |
18 |
56236158 |
विद्युत पंप खरेदी करणे / विंधन विहीर ( दुहेरी हातपंप ) करणे |
174256 |
विद्युत पंप खरेदी करणे / विंधन विहीर ( दुहेरी हातपंप ) करणे 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474958333333333
Longitude : 73.92345833333334
file name : Image_15122023175621436.png
2023-12-15 17:56:21.489032 |
19 |
57049723 |
शाळेला मेडिकल किट पुरविणे |
35289 |
शाळेला मेडिकल किट पुरविणे 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.4752014
Longitude : 73.9231723
file name : Image_19122023163637588.png
2023-12-19 16:36:37.641676 |
20 |
57065445 |
पाईपलाईन विस्तार व नळ कनेक्शन साहित्य |
108231 |
पाईपलाईन विस्तार व नळ कनेक्शन साहित्य 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.4752014,20.4752014
Longitude : 73.9231723,73.9231723
file name : Image_19122023163654294.png
2023-12-19 16:36:54.352652 |
21 |
49323305 |
To repair Anganwadi |
48993 |
To repair Anganwadi1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.4752014
Longitude : 73.9231723
file name : Image_19122023163644657.png
2023-12-19 16:36:44.709945 |
22 |
49322785 |
Z.P. School water filter and Mediclor bottle |
31735 |
Z.P. School water filter and Mediclor bottle1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474758333333334
Longitude : 73.92329333333333
file name : Image_19122023163704394.png
2023-12-19 16:37:04.450855 |
23 |
57102244 |
बंदिस्त गटार बांधकाम दुरुस्ती - शोषखड्डे बांधकाम |
375867 |
बंदिस्त गटार बांधकाम दुरुस्ती - शोषखड्डे बांधकाम 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.477063333333334
Longitude : 74.13275666666667
file name : Image_16032024121451688.png
2024-03-16 12:14:51.782276 |
24 |
40120421 |
घनकचरा व्य्वास्थापान करणे |
100000 |
घनकचरा व्य्वास्थापान करणे 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.4748853
Longitude : 73.9233419
file name : Image_29052024132715419.png
2024-05-29 13:27:15.524997 |
25 |
83572774 |
Creation of a new rainwater harvesting structure |
100000 |
Creation of a new rainwater harvesting structure1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 20.47501833333333
Longitude : 73.92323166666667
file name : Image_24102024155632849.png
2024-10-24 15:56:33.206691 |
26 |
83572774 |
Creation of a new rainwater harvesting structure |
100000 |
Creation of a new rainwater harvesting structure1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 20.4751782
Longitude : 73.9230935
file name : Image_24102024155014171.png
2024-10-24 15:50:14.270689 |
27 |
83572774 |
Creation of a new rainwater harvesting structure |
100000 |
Creation of a new rainwater harvesting structure1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 20.475085
Longitude : 73.92337833333333
file name : Image_24102024154841585.png
2024-10-24 15:48:41.736555 |
28 |
83572774 |
Creation of a new rainwater harvesting structure |
100000 |
Creation of a new rainwater harvesting structure1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474865
Longitude : 73.923415
file name : Image_20092024164430646.png
2024-09-20 16:44:30.760152 |
29 |
57047856 |
पाणी शुद्धीकरण यंत्र ( फिल्टर ) |
305867 |
पाणी शुद्धीकरण यंत्र ( फिल्टर )1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.474685
Longitude : 73.92359
file name : Image_20092024164345522.png
2024-09-20 16:43:45.604258 |
30 |
49324172 |
Administrative Expenses (10%) ASSK Remuneration of Unbound Funds |
89994 |
Administrative Expenses (10%) ASSK Remuneration of Unbound Funds1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.47116
Longitude : 73.91023166666668
file name : Image_23072024213059755.png
2024-07-23 21:30:59.914496 |
31 |
56236058 |
नळ योजना अंतर्गत नळ कनेक्शन पुरविणे |
108532 |
नळ योजना अंतर्गत नळ कनेक्शन पुरविणे1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.4751571,20.4751709
Longitude : 73.9231249,73.9230815
file name : Image_26072024141304119.png
2024-07-26 14:13:04.223482 |
32 |
83571172 |
Tap water connections to households |
171206 |
Tap water connections to households1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 20.4751911
Longitude : 73.9230575
file name : Image_24102024151642998.png
2024-10-24 15:16:43.14416 |
33 |
83571172 |
Tap water connections to households |
171206 |
Tap water connections to households1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 20.471261666666667
Longitude : 73.91022500000001
file name : Image_05082024152146666.png
2024-08-05 15:21:46.759332 |
34 |
83571172 |
Tap water connections to households |
171206 |
Tap water connections to households1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 20.471238333333336
Longitude : 73.91024833333333
file name : Image_05082024123823423.png
2024-08-05 12:38:23.523198 |
35 |
83571172 |
Tap water connections to households |
171206 |
Tap water connections to households1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.471066666666665
Longitude : 73.91022500000001
file name : Image_05082024123450879.png
2024-08-05 12:34:50.983079 |
36 |
83571172 |
Tap water connections to households |
171206 |
Tap water connections to households1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 20.471053333333334
Longitude : 73.910275
file name : Image_05082024101501404.png
2024-08-05 10:15:01.490896 |