1 |
68152494 |
Electricity |
5000 |
Electricity1 |
latitude : 18.0848742
Longitude : 73.4253642
file name : Image_24012024141142542.png
2024-01-24 14:11:42.700394 |
2 |
68152494 |
Electricity |
5000 |
Electricity1 |
latitude : 18.0848171
Longitude : 73.4252768
file name : Image_24012024141659893.png
2024-01-24 14:17:00.055359 |
3 |
68142176 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body |
75000 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.06443485
Longitude : 73.41843538
file name : Image_27122023132628649.png
2023-12-27 13:26:28.80909 |
4 |
68142176 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body |
75000 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.06445569
Longitude : 73.4184467
file name : Image_27122023131900866.png
2023-12-27 13:19:00.998956 |
5 |
68142176 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body |
75000 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.0648771
Longitude : 73.4186506
file name : Image_27122023130931115.png
2023-12-27 13:09:31.360581 |
6 |
68142176 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body |
75000 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.0782984
Longitude : 73.4232245
file name : Image_27122023130033975.png
2023-12-27 13:00:34.107483 |
7 |
68142176 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body |
75000 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.04088665
Longitude : 73.30510199
file name : Image_27122023100225378.png
2023-12-27 10:02:25.521087 |
8 |
68142176 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body |
75000 |
Rejuvenation and desilting of tank/ water body1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.04014802
Longitude : 73.30443714
file name : Image_26122023213217644.png
2023-12-26 21:32:17.774123 |