1 |
40944972 |
Providing Cupboard,Rack,Eating Pots & Other Using Material For Anganwadi School. |
45000 |
Providing Cupboard,Rack,Eating Pots & Other Using Material For Anganwadi School.1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.05468634
Longitude : 75.62019132
file name : Image_22082022095346596.png
2022-08-22 09:53:46.669351 |
2 |
40944972 |
Providing Cupboard,Rack,Eating Pots & Other Using Material For Anganwadi School. |
45000 |
Providing Cupboard,Rack,Eating Pots & Other Using Material For Anganwadi School.1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.05468634
Longitude : 75.62019132
file name : Image_22082022095042085.png
2022-08-22 09:50:42.160854 |
3 |
40944674 |
Waste Water,Ghankachara Management And Soik Pit For Gaothan Area. |
50000 |
Waste Water,Ghankachara Management And Soik Pit For Gaothan Area.1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.0882574,18.0882574
Longitude : 75.4173926,75.4173926
file name : Image_10102022164309335.png
2022-10-10 16:43:09.461647 |
4 |
40945066 |
Providing Water Supply Line, Water Tank And Cement Concrit Road For Dali Wasti Gaothan Area. |
68250 |
Providing Water Supply Line, Water Tank And Cement Concrit Road For Dali Wasti Gaothan Area.1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.0882575
Longitude : 75.417392
file name : Image_10102022164921226.png
2022-10-10 16:49:21.350498 |
5 |
40944901 |
Providing Water Supplying For Mini Anganwadi. |
45000 |
Providing Water Supplying For Mini Anganwadi.1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.0882575,18.0882575
Longitude : 75.4173923,75.417392
file name : Image_10102022165110375.png
2022-10-10 16:51:10.481834 |
6 |
40945002 |
Providing Water Supplying For Dalit Wasti.Gaothan Area. |
68250 |
Providing Water Supplying For Dalit Wasti.Gaothan Area.1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.0882579,18.0882579
Longitude : 75.4173918,75.4173918
file name : Image_10102022164807664.png
2022-10-10 16:48:07.779195 |
7 |
40945241 |
Construcation Drainage line And Cement Pipe For Z P School Gaothan Area. |
179250 |
Construcation Drainage line And Cement Pipe For Z P School Gaothan Area. 1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.0882575,18.0882575
Longitude : 75.4173924,75.4173924
file name : Image_10102022164446690.png
2022-10-10 16:44:46.826412 |
8 |
40945276 |
Construcation Drainage line And Cement Pipe For Z P School Gaothan Area. 2 |
179250 |
Construcation Drainage line And Cement Pipe For Z P School Gaothan Area. 21 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.0882575,18.0882575
Longitude : 75.4173924,75.4173925
file name : Image_10102022164320553.png
2022-10-10 16:43:20.66829 |
9 |
50755607 |
Providing Fogging Machine |
50000 |
Providing Fogging Machine1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.0882979
Longitude : 75.4173893
file name : Image_18102022155131860.png
2022-10-18 15:51:32.072218 |
10 |
50757493 |
Expansion Gutter For Shrihari ghodake Home |
68250 |
Expansion Gutter For Shrihari ghodake Home1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.088523333333335
Longitude : 75.417815
file name : Image_22072023171410285.png
2023-07-22 17:14:10.358577 |
11 |
50756919 |
Construcation Repairing Z P School Kitchen Shed And Eating Pots |
22500 |
Construcation Repairing Z P School Kitchen Shed And Eating Pots1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.0882896
Longitude : 75.4173514
file name : Image_25102023113929138.png
2023-10-25 11:39:29.211284 |
12 |
60093906 |
अंगणवाडी क्र.१ व मिनी अंगणवाडी पाटील वस्ती वस्ती जामगाव LED स्मार्ट TV पुरविणे |
36000 |
अंगणवाडी क्र.१ व मिनी अंगणवाडी पाटील वस्ती वस्ती जामगाव LED स्मार्ट TV पुरविणे1 |
latitude : 18.0883129
Longitude : 75.4173377
file name : Image_10012024110536768.png
2024-01-10 11:05:36.864357 |
13 |
60093279 |
अंगणवाडी क्र.१ व पाटील वस्ती मिनी अंगणवाडी जामगाव कचरा कुंड्या बसविणे' |
14000 |
अंगणवाडी क्र.१ व पाटील वस्ती मिनी अंगणवाडी जामगाव कचरा कुंड्या बसविणे'1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.0883135
Longitude : 75.4173381
file name : Image_10012024105618649.png
2024-01-10 10:56:18.743237 |
14 |
50757984 |
Construcation Toilet And Loo For Near Grampanchayat Office |
94250 |
Construcation Toilet And Loo For Near Grampanchayat Office1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.059466666666665
Longitude : 75.61190833333333
file name : Image_05022024104329295.png
2024-02-05 10:43:29.392277 |
15 |
50757407 |
Providing New Motor Pipe Cable And Water Tank For Patil Wasti Ghodake Galli |
67500 |
Providing New Motor Pipe Cable And Water Tank For Patil Wasti Ghodake Galli1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.0882805
Longitude : 75.4173365
file name : Image_12022024172050348.png
2024-02-12 17:20:50.459396 |
16 |
40945154 |
Apale Sarkar Seva Kendra Chalak Mandhan And Administrative Fund. |
90000 |
Apale Sarkar Seva Kendra Chalak Mandhan And Administrative Fund.1 |
latitude : 18.059551666666668
Longitude : 75.61192666666668
file name : Image_14122023133933393.png
2023-12-14 13:39:33.510123 |
17 |
60096461 |
प्रफुल्ल चव्हाण घर ते धनाजी चव्हाण घर रस्ता सिमेंट कॉंक्रीट करणे |
179388 |
प्रफुल्ल चव्हाण घर ते धनाजी चव्हाण घर रस्ता सिमेंट कॉंक्रीट करणे1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.060111666666668,18.06015
Longitude : 75.61264833333333,75.61266833333335
file name : Image_30052024111635047.png
2024-05-30 11:16:35.137717 |
18 |
84615535 |
Drainage Construction |
150000 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.0883207
Longitude : 75.4173959
file name : Image_27092024164106520.png
2024-09-27 16:41:06.611873 |
19 |
84615535 |
Drainage Construction |
150000 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.05962
Longitude : 75.611835
file name : Image_15082024073054902.png
2024-08-15 07:30:54.977279 |
20 |
84615535 |
Drainage Construction |
150000 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.059556666666666
Longitude : 75.61193666666667
file name : Image_15082024073004014.png
2024-08-15 07:30:04.097425 |
21 |
84615535 |
Drainage Construction |
150000 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.060589999999998
Longitude : 75.6121
file name : Image_15082024071217376.png
2024-08-15 07:12:17.457735 |
22 |
84615535 |
Drainage Construction |
150000 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.05946833333333
Longitude : 75.61199166666667
file name : Image_15082024070805160.png
2024-08-15 07:08:05.234796 |