1 |
59041971 |
बांधीत निधी कचरा कुंडी |
95000 |
बांधीत निधी कचरा कुंडी 1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.8979876
Longitude : 77.5536831
file name : Image_10092023200154248.png
2023-09-10 20:01:54.342157 |
2 |
94607317 |
Amrit Sarovar/Pond/Farm Pond |
80000 |
Amrit Sarovar/Pond/Farm Pond1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024131909258.png
2024-10-29 13:19:08.940746 |
3 |
94607317 |
Amrit Sarovar/Pond/Farm Pond |
80000 |
Amrit Sarovar/Pond/Farm Pond1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024130656435.png
2024-10-29 13:06:56.69522 |
4 |
94763158 |
Amrit Sarovar/Pond/Farm Pond |
200000 |
Amrit Sarovar/Pond/Farm Pond1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024131912409.png
2024-10-29 13:19:12.380451 |
5 |
94763158 |
Amrit Sarovar/Pond/Farm Pond |
200000 |
Amrit Sarovar/Pond/Farm Pond1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024130659563.png
2024-10-29 13:06:59.729882 |
6 |
93274374 |
Repair of drainage channel |
120000 |
Repair of drainage channel1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024131840724.png
2024-10-29 13:18:40.024432 |
7 |
93274374 |
Repair of drainage channel |
120000 |
Repair of drainage channel1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024130639657.png
2024-10-29 13:06:39.761858 |
8 |
93274374 |
Repair of drainage channel |
120000 |
Repair of drainage channel1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.89799027
Longitude : 77.55388701
file name : Image_29102024022253371.png
2024-10-29 02:22:53.493028 |
9 |
93433757 |
Construction of Paver Block |
50000 |
Construction of Paver Block1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024131847849.png
2024-10-29 13:18:47.745397 |
10 |
93433757 |
Construction of Paver Block |
50000 |
Construction of Paver Block1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024130646165.png
2024-10-29 13:06:46.428994 |
11 |
93461948 |
Electric connection |
100000 |
Electric connection1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024131851100.png
2024-10-29 13:18:51.028324 |
12 |
93461948 |
Electric connection |
100000 |
Electric connection1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024130650361.png
2024-10-29 13:06:50.485567 |
13 |
93464209 |
Procurement of Tarpaulin Utensils, Furniture, etc. for Community Hall |
60000 |
Procurement of Tarpaulin Utensils, Furniture, etc. for Community Hall1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024131857717.png
2024-10-29 13:18:57.834191 |
14 |
93464209 |
Procurement of Tarpaulin Utensils, Furniture, etc. for Community Hall |
60000 |
Procurement of Tarpaulin Utensils, Furniture, etc. for Community Hall1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024130653384.png
2024-10-29 13:06:53.629129 |
15 |
68277325 |
Electricity/Solar Power Installation |
60000 |
Electricity/Solar Power Installation1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.89798185
Longitude : 77.55388517
file name : Image_29102024022455447.png
2024-10-29 02:24:55.60092 |
16 |
68277325 |
Electricity/Solar Power Installation |
60000 |
Electricity/Solar Power Installation1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.89796893
Longitude : 77.55371245
file name : Image_29102024021653273.png
2024-10-29 02:16:53.363942 |
17 |
93426190 |
Water Supply to villages |
60000 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024131844259.png
2024-10-29 13:18:44.021608 |
18 |
93426190 |
Water Supply to villages |
60000 |
Water Supply to villages1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.9125024
Longitude : 77.569546
file name : Image_29102024130642667.png
2024-10-29 13:06:43.31901 |
19 |
68277804 |
Construction of roads |
190000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.89798251,19.8979825
Longitude : 77.55388463,77.55388451
file name : Image_29102024022509659.png
2024-10-29 02:25:09.779194 |
20 |
68277804 |
Construction of roads |
190000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.89800548,19.89800523
Longitude : 77.55390333,77.55390345
file name : Image_29102024021706853.png
2024-10-29 02:17:06.952699 |
21 |
68277712 |
Electricity |
70000 |
Electricity1 |
latitude : 19.89798245
Longitude : 77.55388491
file name : Image_29102024022504825.png
2024-10-29 02:25:04.932331 |
22 |
68277712 |
Electricity |
70000 |
Electricity1 |
latitude : 19.89802516
Longitude : 77.55390214
file name : Image_29102024021701734.png
2024-10-29 02:17:01.828338 |
23 |
68277531 |
Electricity connection /Installation of Solar Energy |
40000 |
Electricity connection /Installation of Solar Energy1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.89798221
Longitude : 77.55388523
file name : Image_29102024022500064.png
2024-10-29 02:25:00.191178 |
24 |
68277531 |
Electricity connection /Installation of Solar Energy |
40000 |
Electricity connection /Installation of Solar Energy1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.89795317
Longitude : 77.55370713
file name : Image_29102024021736345.png
2024-10-29 02:17:36.434685 |
25 |
68276265 |
Greywater management system |
70000 |
Greywater management system1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 19.89797291
Longitude : 77.5538298
file name : Image_29102024023822635.png
2024-10-29 02:38:22.744847 |
26 |
68276265 |
Greywater management system |
70000 |
Greywater management system1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.89798042
Longitude : 77.55388268
file name : Image_29102024022450493.png
2024-10-29 02:24:50.670245 |
27 |
68276265 |
Greywater management system |
70000 |
Greywater management system1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.8979586
Longitude : 77.55368797
file name : Image_29102024021648329.png
2024-10-29 02:16:48.428111 |