1 |
20194786 |
Infrastructure |
123199 |
Infrastructure |
Earth work |
latitude : 18.777031956654643,18.77708532757935
Longitude : 79.44544597766324,79.44540000787771
file name : Image_26022019090457633.png
2019-02-26 09:04:57.477507 |
2 |
13497200 |
CC Roads |
3655110 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Earth work |
latitude : 18.699092156515007,18.699042663614552,18.699122739866368
Longitude : 79.4849708054454,79.48513687632743,79.48448377653075
file name : Image_13112018110530858.png
2018-11-13 11:05:30.921193 |
3 |
55642355 |
Purchase of New Poles and Fixation New Electrical |
150000 |
Purchase of New Poles and Fixation New Electrical 1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.69971258
Longitude : 79.47899644
file name : Image_24122022112457103.png
2022-12-24 11:24:57.200943 |
4 |
69938723 |
Piped drinking water to public institutions |
341060 |
Piped drinking water to public institutions1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.69967207
Longitude : 79.47909488
file name : Image_11092023115818250.png
2023-09-11 11:58:18.41027 |