1 |
13501064 |
CC Roads |
2605620 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Earth work |

latitude : 18.79064443,18.79062835,18.7906098
Longitude : 79.34847128,79.34847245,79.34848203
file name : Image_13112018115320731.png
2018-11-13 11:53:20.874944 |
2 |
20262392 |
Infrastructure |
76888 |
Infrastructure |
Earth work |

latitude : 18.7697537,18.7697537
Longitude : 79.4347448,79.4347448
file name : Image_24062019140028085.png
2019-06-24 14:00:28.176561 |
3 |
55924863 |
Sanitation Maintenance and Culvert dismulting and construction |
425275 |
Sanitation Maintenance and Culvert dismulting and construction1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 18.799856666666667,18.799891666666667
Longitude : 79.40090666666667,79.40092166666666
file name : Image_10012023155618630.png
2023-01-10 15:56:18.741936 |
4 |
55924863 |
Sanitation Maintenance and Culvert dismulting and construction |
425275 |
Sanitation Maintenance and Culvert dismulting and construction1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 18.790616666666665,18.790666666666667
Longitude : 79.34827666666666,79.348275
file name : Image_24052023143917914.png
2023-05-24 14:39:18.012659 |
5 |
55925123 |
Drinking Water |
425275 |
Drinking Water1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 18.790678333333336,18.79069666666667
Longitude : 79.34824333333333,79.34823333333334
file name : Image_21122022121101818.png
2022-12-21 12:11:01.98368 |
6 |
55925123 |
Drinking Water |
425275 |
Drinking Water1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 18.790673333333334,18.790675,18.790681666666668,18.790689999999998,18.790689999999998
Longitude : 79.34821333333333,79.34822333333334,79.34822666666668,79.34822666666668,79.34822666666668
file name : Image_22052023123234285.png
2023-05-22 12:32:34.426851 |
7 |
55924531 |
Drains |
213985 |
Drains1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 18.790641666666666,18.79062,18.790618333333335
Longitude : 79.34829500000001,79.34828166666667,79.34828166666667
file name : Image_22052023130829866.png
2023-05-22 13:08:29.968581 |
8 |
55925234 |
Street Lights |
470000 |
Street Lights1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 18.790545
Longitude : 79.34827166666668
file name : Image_21122022121351614.png
2022-12-21 12:13:51.710318 |
9 |
55924617 |
Street Lights |
213985 |
Street Lights1 |
Roof laid |

latitude : 18.790650000000003
Longitude : 79.34826166666667
file name : Image_22052023122843894.png
2023-05-22 12:28:44.056252 |