1 |
30971458 |
Side drain |
100000 |
Drainage1 |
Length of Drain executed |

latitude : 18.48318,18.48383833333333
Longitude : 79.52175333333334,79.52267499999999
file name : Image_03072019120517011.png
2019-07-03 12:05:17.050049 |
2 |
13506467 |
CC Drains for Average Section (it may range bet ween Rs2000 to 2600 depending on discharge |
113000 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Earth work |

latitude : 18.487616666666668,18.487516666666668
Longitude : 79.52648500000001,79.52667333333333
file name : Image_16112018114231808.png
2018-11-16 11:42:31.904811 |
3 |
13506467 |
CC Drains for Average Section (it may range bet ween Rs2000 to 2600 depending on discharge |
113000 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Earth work |

latitude : 18.487611666666666,18.487603333333333
Longitude : 79.52646,79.52647666666667
file name : Image_16112018114235363.png
2018-11-16 11:42:35.464115 |
4 |
56918096 |
Construction of side drains |
673340 |
Construction of side drains 1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.48779099062085,18.48779099062085
Longitude : 79.52780834399164,79.52780893072486
file name : Image_28012023125953629.png
2023-01-28 12:59:53.712177 |
5 |
56658214 |
Drinking water supply pipe line leakages and gate wall repairs |
180000 |
Drinking water supply pipe line leakages and gate wall repairs 1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.48918397910893,18.48918397910893
Longitude : 79.52601235359907,79.52601235359907
file name : Image_28012023130240542.png
2023-01-28 13:02:40.595184 |
6 |
56608407 |
Purchase of bleaching bags and lime |
300000 |
Purchase of bleaching bags and lime 1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.470643997192383
Longitude : 79.52194213867188
file name : Image_19042023114851333.png
2023-04-19 11:48:51.431842 |
7 |
56657614 |
Drinking water supply motors repairs |
150000 |
Drinking water supply motors repairs 1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.488442013040185
Longitude : 79.5207592472434
file name : Image_08082023123916621.png
2023-08-08 12:39:16.737253 |
8 |
76726559 |
Operation and Maintenance of drinking water supply system |
1180005 |
Maintenance of drinking water supply system1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.4876491969632,18.4876491969632
Longitude : 79.52447947114706,79.52447947114706
file name : Image_19092023160217935.png
2023-09-19 16:02:18.022108 |
9 |
76722858 |
Electricity |
392670 |
Electricity1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.4892498
Longitude : 79.5208259
file name : Image_20092023130057115.png
2023-09-20 13:00:57.222507 |
10 |
76529059 |
Roadside Plantation |
150000 |
Roadside Plantation1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.4876491969632,18.4887367,18.4887367
Longitude : 79.52447947114706,79.5198379,79.5198379
file name : Image_22092023150015050.png
2023-09-22 15:00:15.144026 |
11 |
76727115 |
Services of Collection & transportation of waste from household to treatment site |
600000 |
Services of Collection & transportation of waste from household to treatment site1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.4876491969632
Longitude : 79.52447947114706
file name : Image_26092023150845665.png
2023-09-26 15:08:45.766716 |
12 |
76729101 |
Any other operation and maintenance needs related to solid waste management |
280005 |
Any other operation and maintenance needs related to solid waste management1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.487621666666666
Longitude : 79.525165
file name : Image_27012024143746328.png
2024-01-27 14:37:46.421586 |
13 |
76728095 |
Purchase of equipment (including safety equipment) for waste management |
300000 |
Purchase of equipment (including safety equipment) for waste management1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.487571666666668
Longitude : 79.524075
file name : Image_27012024153324820.png
2024-01-27 15:33:24.900325 |
14 |
76535687 |
Use of LED buls/LED tubelights for street lights |
100000 |
Use of LED buls/LED tubelights for street lights1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.48789
Longitude : 79.52303
file name : Image_19122023160401021.png
2023-12-19 16:04:01.109437 |
15 |
97093576 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads |
150000 |
Repairing and maintenance of roads1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.48777098065832,18.48777098065832,18.48777098065832
Longitude : 79.52406406402588,79.52406406402588,79.52406406402588
file name : Image_04052024135409932.png
2024-05-04 13:54:10.030032 |
16 |
97127196 |
Use of LED buls/LED tubelights for street lights |
808000 |
Use of LED buls/LED tubelights for street lights1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.4884758
Longitude : 79.520069
file name : Image_01102024143303490.png
2024-10-01 14:33:03.561217 |
17 |
97093949 |
Green Fencing and Plantation |
150000 |
Green Fencing and Plantation1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.4884963
Longitude : 79.5201299
file name : Image_01102024153352999.png
2024-10-01 15:33:53.098693 |
18 |
97101945 |
Procurement of Diesel and Petrol for Tractor Generator, Office vehicles etc. |
150000 |
Procurement of Diesel and Petrol for Tractor Generator, Office vehicles etc.1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.4884878
Longitude : 79.52008871
file name : Image_01102024142214420.png
2024-10-01 14:22:14.504341 |
19 |
97094387 |
Construction of Store Room in GP Bhawan |
350000 |
Construction of Store Room in GP Bhawan1 |
Completion of work |

latitude : 18.48851709
Longitude : 79.52022454
file name : Image_01102024151244986.png
2024-10-01 15:12:45.077311 |