1 |
12922669 |
441243 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Earth work |
latitude : 18.9442201,18.9446645,18.94436527884657
Longitude : 84.5845799,84.584446,84.58434952654324
file name : Image_26112018142113632.png
2018-11-26 14:21:13.713209 |
2 |
12922669 |
441243 |
Rural Road CC1 |
Earth work |
latitude : 18.95031002074381,18.95031399352655
Longitude : 84.58720468078553,84.5872158653074
file name : Image_26112018142125639.png
2018-11-26 14:21:25.708024 |
3 |
94700065 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.9504636,18.9504656
Longitude : 84.5873546,84.5873595
file name : Image_24042024151648441.png
2024-04-24 15:16:48.529474 |
4 |
94700065 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.9504603,18.9504531
Longitude : 84.587359,84.58736
file name : Image_24042024145539314.png
2024-04-24 14:55:39.42873 |
5 |
94700065 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.9504634,18.9504645
Longitude : 84.5873618,84.5873632
file name : Image_15042024125226008.png
2024-04-15 12:52:26.100992 |
6 |
94700065 |
Construction of roads |
400000 |
Construction of roads1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.946218333333334,18.9504726
Longitude : 84.58321,84.587364
file name : Image_15042024123514229.png
2024-04-15 12:35:14.421885 |
7 |
74260753 |
Drainage Construction |
310000 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.9504788
Longitude : 84.5873542
file name : Image_17012024134109041.png
2024-01-17 13:41:09.128394 |
8 |
74282684 |
Electricity |
200000 |
Electricity1 |
latitude : 18.9504765
Longitude : 84.5873568
file name : Image_28022024181302429.png
2024-02-28 18:13:02.562075 |
9 |
94696311 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
400000 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Roof laid |
latitude : 18.950461
Longitude : 84.5873581
file name : Image_24042024145534071.png
2024-04-24 14:55:34.168646 |
10 |
94696311 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
400000 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.9504777
Longitude : 84.5873639
file name : Image_15042024125220412.png
2024-04-15 12:52:20.537672 |
11 |
94696311 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes |
400000 |
Construction of new Piped Water Supply schemes1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 18.9504749
Longitude : 84.5873645
file name : Image_15042024123509753.png
2024-04-15 12:35:09.899698 |
12 |
94682812 |
Drainage Construction |
321662 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Plinth level |
latitude : 18.9504611
Longitude : 84.5873588
file name : Image_24042024151643057.png
2024-04-24 15:16:43.160683 |
13 |
94682812 |
Drainage Construction |
321662 |
Drainage Construction1 |
Completion of work |
latitude : 19.024605
Longitude : 84.61524499999999
file name : Image_24042024145528165.png
2024-04-24 14:55:28.269445 |